Printing Data in proper aligned format in python
pid=[1,2,3,4,5] name=["Pen","Pencil","Eraser","Sharpner","Compass"] qty=[200,400,100,10...
pid=[1,2,3,4,5] name=["Pen","Pencil","Eraser","Sharpner","Compass"] qty=[200,400,100,10...
/*CREATING RANDOM DATES FROM NUMERICAL VALUES*/ create database if not exists naren; use naren; DROP TABLE IntToDateDemo; DROP TABLE D...
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iomanip.h> class Queue { int data[10]; ...
#Function to check the stack is empty or not. def isEmpty(stk): if stk==[]: return True else: return Fa...
#Queue Implementation in Python List #Function to check the queue is empty or not. def isEmpty(Qu): if Qu==[]: retur...
/*Specially for the students of Class-12 of CBSE. It is a complete working code with proper presentation and password security system. J...
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