GSEB-12 (2014-15) CH.NO.2. WITH ANSWERS.

                  1.            What is the full form of CSS?
a) Computing Style Sheet                             b) Cascading Style Sheet
c) Computing  Style Service                         d) Cascading Secure Sheet
                  2.            ……………… can be done using CSS.
a) Control the font types and colors           b) Background features
            c) Control the position of elements            d) All of these
                  3.            CSS syntax uses ………… brackets.
 (a)  ( )                                                            (b) { }                        
            (c) [ ]                                                              (d)<>
                  4.            CSS rules contains the …………………… part(s).
 a) Property                                                   b) Value for the property
            c)  Both (a)  and  (b)                                  d)  None of these
Read the following code segment of CSS, and answer the questions asked below.

                              5.            …………………… is the selector in the above code segment.
a) H1                                                               b) color         
            c) red                                                              d) None of these
                  6.            …………………… is the property in the above code segment.
a) H1                                                               b) color         
            c) red                                                              d) None of these
                  7.            …………………… is the value in the above code segment.
a) H1                                                               b) color         
            c) red                                                              d) None of these
                  8.            …………………… is the correct syntax of CSS.
a) Selector{Property;Value}                        b) Selector{Property;Value:}
            c) Selector {Property:Value;}                  d) Selector{Property:Value:}

                  9.            CSS button is on the …………………… of KompoZer.
a) Standard toolbar                                      b) Composition toolbar
c) Format toolbar1                                       d) Format toolbar2
              10.            …………… view is selected to see the source code of CSS  Stylesheet.
a) Design                                                        b) Source
c) Split                                                            d) Normal
              11.            ………………. is the disadvantage of CSS.
a) Once CSS is created, it can be used by various elements of HTML
            b) Compatibility varies with different browsers
c) Both of these                                             d) None of these
              12.            ………….. company has developed the JavaScript.
a) Microsoft                                                   b) ORACLE    
            c) Netscape                                                  d) Intel
              13.            JavaScript can be used in for a ……………. in a webpage.
a) interactivity with the user                       b) control the browser
            c) dynamically create HTML content          d) All  of these
              14.            JavaScript is used to validate the data entered in the HTML forms on the ……….. before sending it to the server.
a) Server side                                                b) Client side                      
            c) Both (a) & (b)                                            d) None of these
              15.            …………………… is the false statement(s) in regards of JavaScript.
a) JavaScript is used to  improve the design
b) JavaScript contains the advanced programming functionalities of language like C, C++ & Java.
c) JavaScript validates the form
d) Browser like Chrome and Safari support JavaScript
              16.            Generally it is preferred that the JavaScript code should be placed in the …………… tag.
a) <body>……</body>                                 b) <head>……</head>                 
            c) <title>…….<.title>                                      d) <form>……</form>
              17.            Functions in JavaScript are defined within the …………………… keyword.
a) function                                                   b) class               
            c) main                                                           d) define

                          18.            Values given in the function are known as……….
a) arguments                                                 b) parameters                      
            c) Both (a) & (b)                                         d) None of these
              19.            When user clicks the submit button of the form is known as……………..
a) events                                                       b) event handler                  
c) work                                                           d) process
              20.            When element such as button or text box becomes active, it is known as …………………… event.
a) active                                                          b) blur                       
            c) focus                                                          d) select
              21.            When mouse pointer is over the particular object/ element, it is known as …………………… event.
a) select                                                          b) mouseover                     
            c) submit                                                        d) load
              22.            …………………… is not an event handler in JavaScript.
a) onclick ( )                                                   b) onsubmit ( )
c) load ( )                                                      d) onfocus ( )
              23.            …………………… means the storage for storing values in JavaScript.
a) variable                                                   b) parameter
      c) Identifier                                                    d) None of these
              24.            BOM stands for ……………………
a) Brower Oriented Model                           b) Browser Object Model
            c) Basic Object Model                                   d) Basic Oriented Model
              25.            …………………… is the builtin function is there to work with numbers in JavaScript.

a) isNum()                                                      b) isNaN ()   
            c) notNum ()                                                  d) None of these

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