1)            If a = 50 and b=4, then determine the result of the following.
(i)  a+=b;                             (ii) a%=b;                           (iii) a – =b;                         (iv) a*=b;

     2)            Assume that x, y and z, all are int variables equals to 50, 20 and 6 respectively.
What will be the result of x/y/z? Analyze the same and choose the correct option?
(a) 0                                      (b) 12                                   (c) 16  
(d) A system error as this is syntactically invalid.
(e) A runtime error because this is a division by 0.

     3)            Construct the logical expressions to represent the following conditions:
(i)           Age is greater than or Equal to 18 but less then 30.                         (ii)         a is odd.
(iii)        Fees range 10000-15000 or student is 1.                                                                             (iv) n is positive number

     4)            Write the corresponding C++ expression for the following mathematical expression:
(i)  a+b-c*d/e%h                                        (ii) x+y / (t + u)3

     5)            Match the following operators:
                                A                                                                                             B
(i)           !                       :       (a)          Equal to Operator
(ii)         | |`                  :       (b)         Assignment Operator
(iii)        ! =                   :       (c)          Logical OR Operator
(iv)        = =                  :       (d)         Logical Negation Operator
                                        :       (e)          Not Equal To Operator

     6)            Find out errors if any in the following C++ statements and rewrite the correct statements.
(i)                           cout << “ x  = “ x ;                                                             (ii)                         cin >> i ; >> j ;

     7)            What will be the output of the given following code fragment:
int ch = 20;
cout << ++ch << ”\n” << ch <<”\n”;

     8)            Find out the results of the following:
(a)   Two expressions, if i=30 initially?
                (i) ++i <= 30;                                                                     (ii) i++ <= 30;

(b)  What will be the result of following expressions, if :
                (i)           age = 25                    (ii)         age = 65               (iii)  age=85;
                cout<< age > 65 ? 350 : 100 ;

(c)   What will be the result of the following expressions?
                (i)            (15 > 13) && (16 <= 16) || (15 != 16) ;                 (ii)         (15 < 13) && ((16 <= 16) || (15 != 16)) ;
                (iii)        !(15 < 13) && ((16 <= 16) || (15 != 16)) ;

     9)            Write the programs (Any three):
(i)                to find the area of circle.
(ii)              to input a number. If the number is even, print its square otherwise print its cube.
(iii)            which will raise any number X to a positive power n, obtain values of X and n from the user.
(iv)            to input a character and check the character is vowel or not.

 * * * * *

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