1)            If the ………… is used for file transfers, more time may be taken in the transfer due to slow internet speed.
(a) Hard disk                                                                  (c) Directory structure               
(b) Internet                                                                   (d) RAM
                  2)            The computer scientists have also developed a number of …………………………… for reducing the storage requirements of computer files and directory structures.
(a) Methods                                                                  (c) Systems    
(b) Procedures                                                             (d) Techniques
                  3)            Linux provides ready-made free and open source software for managing………files.
(a) Library                                                                       (c) Archive      
(b) Collection                                                                (d) File
                  4)            The full form to tar is……….
(a) tap achiever                                                            (c) tape achiever         
(b) tape achieve resolution                                     (d) none of these
                  5)            In………….systems the common practice is to combine the files into a single uncompressed file in the tar format and then compress the file in the zip format using gzip.
(a) Unix                                                                           (c) Linux          
(b) Windows                                                                 (d) Android
                  6)            The ……….helps us in creating and using archive files for backup for transfer via an external storage device, for transfer via network for saving disk space, etc.
(a) Archive manager                                                  (c) Library manger
(b) File manger                                                             (d) Directory manager
                  7)            ……………………………is a great open source tool.
(a) Windows Media player                                      (c) VLC Medial Player
(b) Apple Media Player                                             (d) QuickTime Media Player
                  8)            One of the issue faced with …………………………… content is that there are a variety of ways of converting multimedia information coming from computer from hardware devices (audio/ video streams ) into computer data and then converting the computer data back into audio/video streams for playing on the hardware devices.
(a) Multimedia                                                            (c) Hypermedia
(b) Software                                                                  (d) Interactive program
                  9)            The conversion (coding) & reverse conversions performed by a software component called …………………
(a) Coder                                                                        (c) Decoder
(b) Code decoder                                                        (d) Codec
               10)            VLC supports multiple file formats for playlist, but …………………………… is more common file format.
(a) M3U                                                                           (c) MU3
(b) UM3                                                                          (d) MP3
               11)            Google maps is a free internet-based service provided by……………………………
(a) Microsoft                                                                 (c) Netscape
(b) Apple Inc.                                                                (d) None of these
               12)            On a mobile phone, the user’s location can be known with very high accuracy if the …………………………… facility is actively being used.
(a) GPRS                                                                          (c) 2G
(b) 3G                                                                               (d) GPS
               13)            The Full form of GPS is ……………………………
(a) Global Placing system                                         (c) Global positioning system
(b) Global putting system                                        (d) Global positing scheme
               14)            The …………………………… program can be used to enter Unicode characters into any application.
(a) Character symbol                                                 (c) Character map
(b) Character application                                          (d) Character code
               15)            A …………………………… is good solution If one has to type a few characters in another script occasionally.
(a) Character details                                                  (c) Character map
(b) Character tools                                                      (d) Google maps
               16)            …………………………… is a free software environment for statistical computing.
(a) P                                                                                  (c) Q
(b) R                                                                                  (d) GNU
               17)            Which software is widely used for statistical analysis?
(a) P                                                                                  (c) Q
(b) R                                                                                  (d) GNU
               18)            R software has its own……….language.
(a) Scripting                                                                   (c) Object-oriented
(b) Simple                                                                       (d) Programming
               19)            R software has……….work environments namely command line and graphical.
(a) One                                                                            (c) Two
(b) Three                                                                        (d) Four
               20)            To use R software in a ………..environment, it has to be installed with graphic editors.
(a) DOS                                                                            (c) Windows
(b) GUI                                                                            (d) All of these
               21)            Examples of Graphic Editors are…………
(a) R Commander                                                        (c) Both (a) and (b)
(b) R Studio                                                                    (d) None of these
               22)            The above named graphic editors are from …….. software centre.
(a) Linux                                                                          (c) Unix
(b) Ubuntu                                                                     (d) Archive manger
               23)            To install R software on the machines, give the ………command.
(a) Sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-develop            (c) Studio apt-get install r-base r-base- dev
(b) Sudo apt-get install r-base r-base- deve   (d) None of these
               24)            To invoke the………..scripts from terminal window, open terminal and type on the command prompt.
(a) Unix                                                                           (c) Linux
(b) R                                                                                  (d) Shell
               25)            Just like the Linux shell, R uses………… the comment marker.
(a) #                                                                                  (c) //
(b) /* */                                                                          (d) ?
               26)            In R software…………are enclosed in single quotes or double quotes.
(a) Numbers                                                                  (c) Strings
(b) Characters                                                               (d) Commands.
               27)            In R software, common………….and functions are available, just like other programming are available , just like other programming language.
(a) Commands                                                              (c) Operators
(b) Numerals                                                                 (d) Characters
               28)            Ordered lists of items (arrays or lists) are commonly used and are also referred to as……..
(a) Vectors                                                                     (c) Paths
(b) Routes                                                                      (d) Directions
               29)            Lists are created using the………function to combine several number into a single list.
(a) C++                                                                             (c) Basic
(b) C                                                                                  (d) Is
               30)            Most operators in R software, like +,-,*,/, and other work equally well on single ………… well as on lists.
(a) Number                                                                    (c) String
(b) Character                                                                 (d) Operands
               31)            However, in R software, when both …………………………… of binary operators are list, their lengths (number of elements in them) should ordinarily be same.
(a) Numbers                                                                  (c) Strings
(b) Characters                                                               (d) Operands
               32)            R command to quitting is ……………………………
(a) quit()                                                                         (c) q()
(b) Exit                                                                             (d) All of these
               33)            R command for accessing on line help is ……………………………
(a) on-line help()                                                         (c) assist()
(b) help()                                                                        (d) help.start()
               34)            Using R software,  …………………………… can also be produced.
(a) diagrams                                                                  (c) histograms
(b) figures                                                                      (d) flowecharts
               35)            …………………………… is one such open source software designed to assist project managers in preparing , maintaining and following a well-defined project plan.
(a) Rational_plan                                                         (c) Rational_plan
(b) RationalPlan                                                          (d) PlanRational
               36)            RationalPlan comprise of the …………………………… desktop product.
(a) Single                                                                         (c) Multi
(b) Viwer                                                                        (d) All of these
               37)            The instant messaging services are used for real time like ……………………………
(a) Chatting with text                                                (c) Audio
(b) Video                                                                        (d) All of these
               38)            …………………………… is one such software that allows the users to make calls over the internet using computer systems.
(a) Skype                                                                        (c) Word
(b) Excel                                                                          (d) R software
               39)            The …………………………… service allows users to communicate with peers using voice, video as well as text.
(a) HTML                                                                         (c) Media Player
(b) VL C                                                                            (d) Skype
               40)            …………………………… also provides additional features like file transfer and videoconferencing.
(a) Skype                                                                        (c) Internet
(b) VLC                                                                             (d) R software
               41)            Which of the following refers to a file that has an entire directory inside it?
(a) apache                                                                      (c) library
(b) explorer                                                                   (d) archive
               42)            Which function is used to create a bar graph in R ?
(a) bar()                                                                           (c) plot()
(b) bargraph()                                                               (d) barplot()
               43)            Which of the following are different variants of RationalPlan?
(a) Single, Multi, Viewer                                         (c) Singular,Multiple
(b) View, Preview                                                       (d) Server, Client

               44)            Most LaTex distriubution software includes ………..and some additional software in them.
(a)   TeX                                                                           (c)   SciTE
(b)   LaTeX                                                                      (d)   Ubuntu
               45)            TeX Live is a very popular LaTeX distribution software which is available in the standard ……repositories.
(a)    TeX                                                                          (c)   SciTE
(b)    LaTeX                                                                     (d)   Ubuntu
               46)            LaTeX can produce output in different file………….
(a)     arrangements                                                    (c)  formats
(b)    editors                                                                   (d)  software’s
               47)            …………………………… are examples of plain text editors in LaTeX.
(a)    Gedit                                                                      (c)   SciTE
(b)    Both (a) and (c)                                                  (d)   none of these
               48)            …………………………… command is used to define the document’s title in LaTeX.
(a)   \title                                                                        (c)   \author
(b)    \date                                                                      (d)   \document
               49)            …………………………… command is used to specify the author(s) of the document.
(a)    \title                                                                        (c)   \author
(b)    \date                                                                      (d)   \document
               50)            …………………………… command is used to specify the date the document was created.
(a)    \title                                                                        (c)   \author
(b)    \date                                                                      (d)   \document
               51)            LaTeX comes with …………………………… ways to format these document elements in a pleasant looking professional style.
(a)    integrated                                                            (c)   built-in
(b)    many                                                                      (d)   incorporated
               52)            Every time a modification is made in the…………………………… text, there will be a need to compile it again for seeing the effect of the change in the output  document in LaTeX.
(a)   source                                                                     (c)   basic
(b)    beginning                                                             (d)   main
               53)            Both Tex and LaTeX use the file extension ……………………………
(a)    .text                                                                        (c)   .tex
(b)    .txe                                                                         (d)   .latex
               54)            LaTeX has a command called …………………………… that produces the popular PDF format files.
(a)    PDFtex                                                                   (c)   pdflatex
(b)    PDF                                                                         (d)   latexpdf
               55)            Full form of PDF is ……………………………
(a)    perfect document format                              (c)   portable double format
(b)    portable document format                           (d)   perfect deed format
               56)            The LaTeX document can be compiled by issuing the command ………………………… at the command prompt.
(a)   gedit                                                                        (c)   word
(b)    wordpad                                                               (d)   getit
               57)            LaTeX commands start with a ….character followed by the command name.
(a)    / (forward slash)                                                (c)   %(percentage)
(b)    \ (backslash)                                                       (d)   ^ (caret)
               58)            Some commands accept additional information in LaTeX which are called as ……………………………
(a)    examples                                                              (c)   data info
(b)    arguments                                                           (d)   instances
               59)            There are two types of …………………………… optional and compulsory in LaTeX.
(a)    examples                                                              (c)   data info
(b)   arguments                                                            (d)   instances
               60)            In LaTeX, if one or more optional arguments are to be provided, they have to be written after the command name, enclosed in ……………………………
(a)   [ ] square brackets)                                           (c)   “” (quotes)
(b)    <> (angular brackets)                                      (d)   {} (curly brackets)
               61)            In LaTeX, more than one optional argument has to be separated by ……………………………
(a)    (:) colon                                                                 (c)   (,) comma
(b)    (;) semi colon                                                      (d)   (^) caret)
               62)            In LaTeX, Article is a …………………………… argument.
(a)   name                                                                       (c)   optional
(b)   compulsory                                                           (d)   all of these
               63)            To insert a break in lines in LaTeX use, …………………………… at the end of each line except the last line in the paragraph.
(a)   \\                                                                               (c)   ||
(b)    //                                                                             (d)   !!
               64)            Which of the following characters is not a reserved character in LaTaX ?
(a)    #                                                                               (c)   &
(b)    !                                                                                (d)   $
               65)            Which of the following is a reserved character in LaTeX ?
(a)    #                                                                               (c)   $
(b)    %                                                                              (d)   All of these
               66)            LaTeX, uses …………………………… to mark portions of text.
(a)    clusters                                                                  (c)   groups
(b)    sets                                                                         (d)   collections
               67)            An……… begins with a \begin { environment-name} command and ends with a \end{environment –name} command in LaTeX.
(a)    area                                                                         (c)   extent
(b)    environment                                                      (d)   section
               68)            LaTeX has several advanced features, including …………………………… and automatically generating parts of the documents or multiple documents (mail merge).
(a)   programming                                                       (c)   designing
(b)   planning                                                                 (d)   all of these
               69)            In LaTeX, the …………………………… character marks the beginning of a command.
(a)   #                                                                                (c)   %
(b)   @                                                                              (d)   $
               70)            …………………………… are meant for the humans who read the LaTeX source code in a text editor for understanding and modifying it.
(a)   Comments                                                            (c)   Notes
(b)   Explanations                                                         (d)   Remarks
               71)            In LaTeX, the …………………………… part contains metadata (data about data)
(a)   main content                                                        (c)   information
(b)   preamble                                                              (d)   remarks
               72)            …………………………… points is the default font size in the document in LaTeX.
(a)    12                                                                             (c)   11
(b)    10                                                                             (d)   14
               73)            In LaTeX, the default alignment of formulas and equation is ……………………………
(a)   Left                                                                           (c)   Right
(b)   Center                                                                    (d)   Justified
               74)            In LaTeX, the …………………… option changes the layout of the document to print in landscape mode.
(a)   Portrait                                                                   (c)   Landscape
(b)   Vertical                                                                   (d)   Horizontal
               75)            In LaTeX, the document class declaration is followed by optional …………………………… declaration.
(a)   package                                                                  (c)   class
(b)   variable                                                                  (d)   formula
               76)            In LaTeX,  …………………………… package contains the advanced math extensions for LaTeX originally developed for the American mathematical society.
(a)    geometry                                                              (c)   amsmath
(b)    setspace                                                               (d)   color
               77)            In LaTeX, …………………………… package adds support for colored text.
(a)    easylist                                                                   (c)   listing
(b)    setspace                                                               (d)   color
               78)            In LaTeX, …………………………… package adds support for multilevel text.
(a)    geometry                                                              (c)   easylist
(b)    setspace                                                               (d)   color
               79)            In LaTeX, ……………………………package is used for page layout tasks
(a)   geometry                                                               (c)   easylist
(b)    setspace                                                               (d)   scolor
               80)            There is a large community of LaTeX users who develop new LaTeX package or enhance existing ones to cater to their own needs and then share them with other over the ……………………………
(a)    Comparative TaX Archive Netwrok (CTAN)         (c)   Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)
(b)    Complete TeX Archive Network (CTAN)  (d)   Comprehensive Tex Archive Net (CTAN)
               81)            In LaTeX, …………………………… package has special features for including programming code within the document.
(a)    geometry                                                              (c)   listings
(b)    setspace                                                               (d)   color
               82)            In LaTeX, …………………………… package helps in changing line spacing.
(a)    Geometry                                                             (c)   Listings
(b)    Setspace                                                               (d)   Easylist
               83)            In LaTeX,  the main content of a book has a hierarchical structure, where a book is divided into ………………
(a)    Chapters                                                               (c)   Sections
(b)    Parts                                                                       (d)   Subsections
               84)            In the SciTE editor, the file can be saved using ……… option.
(a)    File → Build                                                          (c)   File → Save
(b)    File  → Save As                                                   (d)   File  → Edit
               85)            In the SciTE editor, the file can be compiled using…….. menu option.
(a)   Tools → Build                                                      (c)   Insert → Build
(b)    View → Build                                                      (d)   File  → Build
               86)            In the SciTE editor, the shortcut key for compilation is…….
(a)    F8                                                                             (c)   F4
(b)    F7                                                                             (d)   F5
               87)            In the SciTE editor, the last line “Exit code: 0” is  ………in color.
(a)    Yellow                                                                    (c)   Black
(b)    Red                                                                         (d)   Blue
               88)            In the SciTE editor, the shortcut key for viewing in the default document viewer by selecting……….… option.
(a)    Tools →Edit                                                          (c)   Tools →New
(b)    Tools → Build                                                      (d)  Tools → Go
               89)            In the SciTE editor, the shortcut key for viewing in the default document is……..
(a)    F8                                                                             (c)   F4
(b)    F7                                                                             (d)   F5
               90)            LaTeX uses the…….character to denote a non-breaking space.
(a)    Hyphen (-)                                                            (c)   Tilde (~)
(b)    Underscore (_)                                                  (d)   Colon (:)
               91)            In LaTeX, the …………………………… command can be used to add the bold effect to the text.
(a)   \textbf                                                                    (c)   \textit
(b)    \emph                                                                   (d)   All of these
               92)            A well-formatted table of contents (TOC) is generated automatically from the elements title by LaTeX when it encounters the command……
(a)    \TOC                                                                       (c)   \tableofcontents
(b)    \tableOC                                                               (d)   \toContents
               93)            In LaTeX, the …………………………… command can be sued to add the  italic effect to the text.
(a)    \textbf                                                                   (c)   \textit
(b)    \emph                                                                   (d)   All of these
               94)            In LaTeX, the …………………………… command can be used to add the emphasis effect to the  text.
(a)    \textbf                                                                   (c)   \textit
(b)    \emph                                                                   (d)   All of these
               95)            In LaTeX,  the …………………………… command can be used to Superscripts the text.
(a)   \textsuperscript                                                 (c)   \textsubscript
(b)    \fixltx2e                                                                (d)   None of these
               96)            In LaTeX, superscripts and subscripts can be created in the text using ……………………… package
(a)    \textsuperscript                                                 (c)   \textsubscript
(b)    Fixltx2e                                                                 (d)   None of these
               97)            In LaTeX,  square root of a number X is denoted using the command…………{x}.
(a)    \square                                                                  (c)   Squareroot
(b)    \sqrt                                                                       (d)   Sqroot
               98)            The CTAN website is ……………………………
(a)                                                   (c)
(b)                                                 (d)
               99)            A  java program that stores a value in a ………………………… uses Random Access Memory (RAM).
(a) cell                                                                              (c) program
(b) variable                                                                    (d) all of these
           100)            Apart from variables,  objects and their references are generally stored in………..

(a)    ROM
(b)   PROM
(c)    RAM
(d)   Hard Disk

           101)            Files can be classified broadly into ………. categories.

(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four

           102)            ………files contain data that can be read In a text editor.

(a)    Text
(b)   Manuscript
(c)    Memo
(d)   Binary

           103)            ………….are examples of editors through which text files can be created.

(a)    gedit
(b)   vi
(c)    pico
(d)   all of these

           104)            …………. files contain data that has not been encoded as text.

(a)    Binary
(b)   Memo
(c)    Informative
(d)   Text

           105)            The contents of a…… files are in binary format, which means the data is accessed in terms of bytes.

(a)    binary
(b)   memo
(c)    informative
(d)   text

           106)            The binary files extensions example are…………..

(a)    jpeg
(b)   mp3
(c)    class
(d)   all of these

           107)            ………….. operations that can be performed  on files using java programs.

(a)    Determining the path of a file or a directory
(b)   Opening a file
(c)    Writing to a file
(d)   All of these

           108)            ………operations that can be performed on files using java programs.

(a)    Reading from a file
(b)   Closing or deleting a file
(c)    Querying the attributes of file
(d)   All of these

           109)            Java provides built-in……… that contain methods to help with the tasks related to files.

(a)    variables
(b)   packages
(c)    classes
(d)   devices

           110)            The java classes are present in package.

(a)    java.bytes.
(c)    java.util
(d)   java.method

           111)            Java uses the concepts of ……… file handling.

(a)    file systems
(b)   streams
(c)    packages
(d)   classes

           112)            Which of the following is not a Binary file extension ?

(a)    jpeg
(b)   mp3
(c)    class
(d)   txt

           113)            Which of the following is not a text file extension ?

(a)    txt
(b)   java
(c)    jpeg
(d)   c

           114)            The….. class encapsulates information about the properties of a file or a directory.

(b)   java.oi.file

           115)            A file ………… encapsulates a  pathname or reference to a physical file or a directory on the hard disk.

(a)    method
(b)   class
(c)    object
(d)   handler

           116)            ………….. does not provide any methods to read from a file or write into a file.

(a)    File class
(b)   File methods
(c)    File object
(d)   File operator

           117)            There are several …………classes to perform to read from a file or write into a file.

(a)    file
(b)   stream
(c)    package
(d)   object

           118)            By using the file class, one can create a……….. to any file by providing its absolute path in string format or by providing the relative path.

(a)    location
(b)   reference
(c)    stream
(d)   object

           119)            The file class provides……….constructors to refer a file or a directory.

(a)    File (String path)
(b)   File (String directory_path, String file_name)
(c)    File (File directory, String file_name)
(d)   All of these

           120)            In Linux, “passwd” file is present in………. directory stores information of the users existing in the system.

(a)    “/etc”
(b)   “/pwd”
(c)    “/file”
(d)   “/dir”

           121)            ………..method of file class returns true if  the file exists, otherwise returns false.

(a)    boolean exists  (  )
(b)   boolean isFile ( )
(c)    boolean isDirectory (  )
(d)   boolean isHidden(  )

           122)            ……….method of file class returns true if the directory exists, otherwise false.

(a)    boolean exists(  )
(b)   boolean isFile(  )
(c)    boolean isDirectory(  )
(d)   boolean isHidden(  )

           123)            ………… method of file class returns true if the file of directory is hidden.

(a)    boolean exists (  )
(b)   boolean isFile(  )
(c)    boolean isDirectroy(  )
(d)   boolean isHidden(  )

           124)            ………..method of file class returns the absolute path of the file exists or directory.

(a)    String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )

           125)            …………method of file class returns the name of the file or directory referred by the object.

(a)    String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )

           126)            ………..method of file class returns the path to the file or directory.

(a)    String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )

           127)            ……….method of file class returns the name of the files and directories in a directory.

(a)    String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )

           128)            …………method of file class returns the number of bytes in that file.

(a)    Long length( )
(b)   File [ ] listFiles ( )
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these

           129)            ………… method of file class returns an array of abstract pathnames denoting the files in the directory.

(a)    Long length (  )
(b)   File [ ] listFiles(  )
(c)    Both (a) and (c)
(d)   None of these

           130)            When data Is written to stream, the stream is called an……… .

(a)    output stream
(b)   input stream
(c)    I/O stream
(d)   Both (a) and (c)

           131)            ………can transfer data from keyboard or from the file on a hard disk to the program.

(a)    Output stream
(b)   Input stream
(c)    I/O stream
(d)   Both (a) and (c)

           132)            If ‘5’ is represented as a character, its ASCII value will be…. .

(a)    51
(b)   52
(c)    53
(d)   54

           133)            If ‘5’ is represented as a binary number, then its binary representation will be………… .

(a)    00000101
(b)   11001100
(c)    10101100
(d)   11111000

           134)            In the statement int I = 32, the……… is true.

(a)    Declares ‘i’ as an integer type variable
(b)   That ‘i’ stores number 32.
(c)    Both (a) and (c)
(d)   None of these

           135)            The files that are created using……… stream are known as binary files.

(a)    byte
(b)   character
(c)    both (a) and (c)
(d)   none of these

           136)            Text files and program codes are created using………. stream.

(a)    byte
(b)   character
(c)    both (a) and (c)
(d)   none of these

           137)            Text files and program codes can be opened in text editors like vi and SciTE.

(a)    SciTE
(b)   vi
(c)    Both (a) & (c)
(d)   None of these

●             Refer the following figure below which shows the classification of stream classes and fill up the letters in the boxes with correct answers.
(Questions 138 to 143)

           138)            In the box A, the answer will be…….. .

(a)    stream
(b)   byte
(c)    output
(d)   input

           139)            In the box B, the answer will be……. .

(a)    stream
(b)   byte
(c)    output
(d)   input

           140)            In the box C, the answer will be…….. .

(a)    stream
(b)   byte
(c)    output
(d)   character

           141)            In the box D, the answer will be............ .

(a)    stream
(b)   input
(c)    output
(d)   character

           142)            In the box E, the answer will be………….

(a)    stream
(b)   byte
(c)    output
(d)   character

           143)            In the box F, the answer will be……… .

(a)    reader
(b)   byte
(c)    output
(d)   input

           144)            The…….. package contains a collection or stream classes that support reading and writing in a file.

(a)    java. io
(b)   java.package
(c)    java.utill
(d)   all of these

           145)            …………classes are a group of classes designed to read characters from files.

(a)    Writer
(b)   Reader
(c)    Output
(d)   Input

           146)            The……… classes are a group of classes designed to write characters into a file.

(a)    writer
(b)   reader
(c)    character
(d)   byte

           147)            Writer classes are inherited from the………… class.

(a)    object
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   character

           148)            Writer classes are…………classes (classes that cannot be used to create an object) and come with set of methods to be implemented by its subclasses.

(a)    intellectual
(b)   abstract
(c)    byte

           149)            InputStreamReader and BufferedReader are  the subclass of……class.

(a)    object
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   character

           150)            ………….class is the subclass of InputStreamReader class.

(a)    FileReader
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    FileJava
(d)   JavaFile

           151)            OutputStream Writer, bufferedWriter and printWriter are the subclasses of ……….class.

(a)    object
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   character

           152)            FileWriter class is the….. of OutputStream Writer class.

(a)    superclass
(c)    subclass
(d)   baseclass

           153)            Writer class is the ………… for writing a character stream.

(a)    superclass
(b)   sub.oi
(c)    subclass
(d)   baseclass

           154)            The writer method…………. Closes the stream.

(a)    void writer(int C)
(b)   void close()
(c)    void writer (String s)
(d)   All of these

           155)            The writer method ………….writers string ‘s’ to the stream.

(a)    void writer(int C)
(b)   void close()
(c)    void writer (String s)
(d)   All of these

           156)            ………….class should be use in program to  perform read operations.

(a)    FileStream
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    FileReader
(d)   FileDemo

           157)            In the following example – an object of …….. can be created.
FileReader  frobject = new FileReader (“/java/files/Charfile1.txt”);

(a)    FileReader
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    Both (a) and (c)
(d)   FileDemo

           158)            ………….is a special symbol to identify end of file.

(a)    /*    */
(b)   EOF
(c)    //
(d)   }

           159)            The java……..method returns “-1” to identify the end of data in the  stream.

(a)    close()
(b)   read()
(c)    print()
(d)   write()

           160)            Character stream classes can be used to read and write………. Unicode characters.

(a)    8 bit
(b)   16 bit
(c)    32 bit
(d)   64 bit

* * * * * 

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