Define a Class in C++ with constructor. (TRAVEL PLAN)

Define a class TRAVELPLAN in C++ with the description given below:

Private members
  • ·         PlanCode of type long
  • ·         Place of type character array
  • ·         Number_of_Travellers of type integer
  • ·         Number_of_Buses of type integer

Public members
  • ·         A constructor to assign initial values of PlanCode as 1001, Place as “Agra”, Number_of_Travellers as 5, Number_of_Bues as 1.
  • ·         A function New Plan() which allows user to enter PlanCode, Place and Number_of_Travellers. Also, assign the value of Number_of_Buses as per the following conditions:

Less than 20
Equal to or more than 20 and less than 40
Equal to 40 or more than 40


  • ·         A function ShowPlan() to display the content of all the data member on screen.

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