Define a Class in C++. (RESORT)

Define a class RESORT in C++ with the following specification:

Private members
  • ·         RNo                          Data member to store room number
  • ·         Name                       Data member to store customer name
  • ·         Charges                    Data member to store per day charges
  • ·         Days                         Data member to store number of days of stay
  • ·         COMPUTE()              Function to calculate and return amount as
                              Days * charges and if the value of days * charges is more
                              Than 11000, then as 1.02*days*charges.

Public member                
  • ·         Getinfo()                   Function to enter the content Rno, Name, Charges and Days
  • ·         Dispinfo()                 Function to display Rno, Name, Charges, Days and Amount (amount to be displayed by calling function) COMPUTE()

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