Define a class with constructor in C++. (CABS)

Define a class CABS in C++ with the following specification:

Data members
  • ·         CNo     to store Cab Number
  • ·         Type    to store a character ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ as City Type
  • ·         PKM     to store per Kilometer charges
  • ·         Dist      store Distance travelled (in KM)

Member functions
  • ·         A constructor function to initialise Type as ‘A’ and CNo as ‘1111’
  • ·         A function Charges() to assign PKM as per the following table:


  • ·         A function Register() to allow administrator to enter the values for CNo and Type. Also, this function should call Charges()  to adding PKM charges.
  • ·         A function ShowCab() to allow user to enter the value of Distance (as Amount) on screen.

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