Data File Handling

It is very important to store the information entered by the user into the file for further use. After storing the information to the file, later user can fetch those information from that file and reuse the same. File helps to store the information permanently. A file itself is a bunch of bytes stored on some storage devices such as hard disks. 

In C++, the file input/output operation are performed through a component header file fstream.h of C++ standard library.

In C++, a file

  • at its lowest level - is interpreted simply as a sequence, or stream, of bytes.
  • at the user level - consists of a sequence of intermixed data types such as characters, arithmetic values, class objects

The fstream.h library predefines a set of operations for handling file related input and output operation. It defines certain classes that helps in performing the file input and output operations.

You will be able to learn all about file handling in C++. C++ file handling divided into separate topics such as

C++ File Handling
C++ File Streams
C++ Data Files
C++ Opening & Closing Files
C++ Steps to Process Files
C++ Change Stream Behaviour
C++ Sequential Input/Output Operations with Files
C++ Detecting EOF
C++ File Pointers Random Access
C++ Binary Files Operations

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