GSEB: STD:12: COMPUTER STUDIES 2014-2015: CH. NO. 7 (Reference Guide with Answers highlighted)

                               1)            Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by…………
(a)    Oracle
(b)   Sun Microsystems
(c)    Unix
(d)   Netscape
                               2)            ……………… is  a  company best known for its high-end Unix workstations.
(a)    Oracle
(b)   Sun Microsystems
(c)    Unix
(d)    Netscape
                               3)            Modeled after C++, the ………… language was designed to be small, simple and portable across platforms and operating systems both at the source and at the binary level.
(a)    Java
(b)   C
(c)    Basic
(d)   PHP
                               4)            Java language was developed at sun Microsystems in……….. .
(a)    1993
(b)   1992
(c)    1991
(d)   1990
                               5)            ………. Is small, fast, efficient and easily portable to a wide range of hardware devices.
(a)    Java
(b)   C
(c)    Basic
(d)   PHP
                               6)            ………….. language is considered as one of the ideal language for distributing executable programs via the world wide web.
(a)    Java
(b)   C
(c)    Basic
(d)   PHP
                               7)            Java is also a general-purpose programming language for developing programs that are easily usable and portable across different…………
(a)    tables
(b)   stands
(c)    libraries
(d)     platforms
                               8)            Java is an……. Language and here it differs fro C.
(a)    procedure-oriented
(b)   structure-oriented
(c)    object-oriented
(d)   executable-oriented
                               9)            Using ……….. one can take full advantage of object-oriented methodology and its capabilities of creating flexible, modular and reusable code.
(a)    Java
(b)   C
(c)    Basic
(d)   PHP
                            10)            Java includes a set of …….. that provide basic data types, system input and output capabilities and other utility functions.
(a)    class libraries
(b)   class function
(c)    class methods
(d)   all of these
                            11)            These basic classes are part of the………… .
(a)    KDJ
(b)   JDK
(c)    DKJ
(d)   DJK
                            12)            ……………. Has classes to support networking toolkit functions.
(a)    KDJ
(b)   JDK
(c)    DKJ
(d)   DJK
                            13)            ………….. is platform-independent at both the source an binary level.
(a)    Java
(b)   C
(c)    Basic
(d)   PHP
                            14)            …………..independence is a program’s capability of being moved easily from one computer systems to another.
(a)    Table
(b)   Program
(c)    Library
(d)   Platform
                            15)            At the …………level , java’s primitive data types have consistent sizes across all development platforms.
(a)    beginning
(b)   destination
(c)    source
(d)   binary
                            16)            At……… level, platform-independence is possible due to bytecode  interpreter
(a)    beginning
(b)   destination
(c)    Source
(d)   binary
                            17)            The designers of Java chose to use a combination of…….. and interpretation.
(a)    assembling
(b)   aompilation
(c)    togetherness
(d)   all of these
                            18)            full form of JDK is…………. .
(a)    Java Developing Kit
(b)   Java Developing Kit
(c)    Both (A) and (B)
(d)   None of these
                            19)            Programs written in Java are compiled into ………….language for a  computer that doesn’t really exist.
(a)    Machine
(b)   Assembly
(c)    C++
(d)   Java
                            20)            The so-called “virtual” computer is known as……… .
(a)    JMV
(b)   VMJ
(c)    JVM
(d)   MVJ
                            21)            The full form of JVM is ………….
(a)     Java Virtual Machine
(b)   Java Visible Machine
(c)    Java Viable Machine
                            22)            The  machine language for  the Java Virtual Machine is called Java…………
(a)    byte
(b)   byte numbers
(c)    bytecode
(d)   bytes
                            23)            Different Java bytecode ……… is needed for each type of computer.
(a)    compiler
(b)   interpreter
(c)    translator
(d)   none of these
                            24)            Java binary files are actually in a form called ………… that is not specific to any one processor or any operating system.
(a)    bytes
(b)   byte numbers
(c)    bytecodes
(d)   byte
                            25)            A disadvantage of using……… is its slow execution speed.
(a)    ASCII codes
(b)   binary numbers
(c)    bytecodes
(d)   bytes
                            26)            There are tools available tools to convert………….. into native code.
(a)    Java Bytecodes
(b)   Java Language
(c)      Java Complies
(d)   All of these
                            27)            ……………code is faster to execute, but then it does not remain machine independent.
(a)    Native
(b)   Original
(c)    ASCII
(d)   Binary
                            28)            A Java program is composed of…………..
(a)    functions
(b)   classes
(c)    programs
(d)   variables
                            29)            A java program should have at least one…….. and it must have main……… it.
(a)    class, procedure
(b)    class, variable
(c)    class, method
(d)   class, code
                            30)             C programmer can think of a class as a sort of creating  new composite data type by using ………….and……….. .
(a)    structures, type
(b)   functions, define
(c)    classes, typedef
(d)   struct, typedef
                            31)            ,………….. can provide much more than just a collection of data.
(a)    function
(b)   classes
(c)    programs
(d)   variables
                            32)            Note that………… not available in Java.
(a)    typedef
(b)   struct
(c)    both (a) and (b)
(d)   All of these
                            33)            Java source file can be created using any plain ……………text editor.
(a)    native
(b)   original
(c)    ASCII
(d)   binary
                            34)            Java……… files are given the same name as the class defined with an extension of java.
(a)    beginning
(b)   destination
(c)    source
(d)   binary
                            35)            In java the …….. name is case sensitive.
(a)    folder
(b)   class
(c)    first
(d)   last
                            36)            in java the ………. Name is case sensitive.
(a)    file
(b)   folder
(c)    first
(d)   last
                            37)            if class name is callcost, filename should be …………… .
(a)    callcost
                            38)            The source file is compiled using the………….compiler
(a)    SciTE
(b)   C++
(c)    Basic
(d)   Java
                            39)            To compile the Java program, type …………. Followed by the name the source file.
(a)    Javac
(b)   JavaC
(c)    Java
(d)   cjava
                            40)            when the program  gets compiled without errors, compiler created a file with extension ……… the same directory as the source file.
(a)    .java
(b)   .javac
(c)    .class
(d)   .javaclass
                            41)            The programmer can run the application using Java………… .
(a)    complier
(b)   translator
(c)    interpreter
(d)   none of these
                            42)            The programmer can run the application using java……………
(a)    JDK
(b)   JKD
(c)    JDD
(d)   JKK
                            43)            Which of the following variable declarations is correct ?
(a)    double balance
(b)   double rate
(c)    double duration
(d)   double cost
                            44)            Java source program file should have extension …………… .
(a)    .java
(b)   .javac
(c)    .class
(d)   .javaclass
                            45)            The name of………. Is same as the class name containing main method and it has an extension.class.
(a)    interpreted file
(b)   code file
(c)    compiled file
(d)   bytecode file
                            46)            A……….. ‘java’ interprets bytecode and excuses it .
(a)    compiler
(b)   translator
(c)    interpreter
(d)   none of these
                            47)            the texts after…….. are comments.
(a)    //
(b)   \\
(c)    // //
(d)   \\ \\
                            48)            The text enclosed within ……… are comments.
(a)    /& and &/
(b)   /*and */
(c)    /* and *\
(d)   //* and *//
                            49)            Comments are not compiled or interpreted.
(a)    Codes
(b)   Classes
(c)    Comments
(d)   Methods
                            50)            Variables are declared using………. Followed by variable name.
(a)    data type
(b)   int
(c)    char
(d)   float
                            51)            computation part contains expressions including assignment ……. .
(a)    sentences
(b)   numericals
(c)    operators
(d)   statements
                            52)            Several ………….. (also called function or method in java) call statements are used to display information to the used to display information to the user the of the program.
(a)    super routine
(b)   subroutine
(c)    sub program
(d)   none of these
                            53)            …………. Are used to display results.
(a)    Methods
(b)   Classes
(c)    Outputs
(d)   Prints
                            54)            System.out.print and system.out.println are ………… which take a value to be displayed as an argument.
(a)    methods
(b)   classes
(c)    outputs
(d)   prints
                            55)            …………. Adds a line feed after the end of the information that it displays.
(a)    out.print
(b)   out.println
(c)    output.print
(d)   output.println
                            56)            when the program is run, the java interpreter calls the………. Method and the statements
(a)    main()
(b)   string[]
(c)    sting[] args
(d)   main()
                            57)            The ……………. routine can call other subroutines other are defined in the same class or even in other classes.
(a)    main()
(b)   string[]
(c)    sting[] args
(d)   main()
                            58)            It is the ……… routine that determines how and in what the other subroutines are used. 
(a)     main()
(b)   string[]
(c)    sting[] args
(d)   main()
                            59)            the word……… in the first line of main() means that this routine can be called from outside the program.
(a)    private
(b)   public
(c)    public
(d)   private
                            60)            This is essential because the main() routine is called by the java interpreter, which is………. To the program.
(a)    external
(b)   internal
(c)    outside
(d)   inside
                            61)            ………….editor is used to create java application.
(a)    Notepad
(b)   Wordpad
(c)    SciTE
(d)   Word
                            62)            Start SciTE application. Select fil  ……. .
(a)    Save
(b)   New
(c)    Open
(d)   Start
                            63)            To save the file, select file……. Command.
(a)    Save
(b)   New
(c)    Open
(d)   Start
                            64)            To compile a source program use……….. compile command.
(a)    File
(b)   Edit
(c)    Tools
(d)   Buffers
                            65)            If the program is compiled without any error, execute it using…… Go commend.
(a)    File
(b)   Edit
(c)    Tools
(d)   Buffers
                            66)            Programming………… differ from ordinary human languages in being completely unambiguous and very strict about what is and is not allowed in a program.
(a)    Rules
(b)   Methods
(c)    Files
(d)   Languages
                            67)            The rules that determine what is allowed to be used in a language are called the ……………. Of the language.
(a)    protocols
(b)   syntax
(c)    methodology
(d)   regulations
                            68)            …………. rules specify the basic vocabulary of the language and how program can be constructed using things like variables, expression, statements, branches, loops and methods.
(a)    Protocol
(b)   Syntax
(c)    Methodology
(d)   Regulation
                            69)            A syntactically correct program is one that can be successfully ………. Or interpreted.
(a)    Complied
(b)   Understood.
(c)    Executed
(d)   Put together
                            70)            In a java program, text in…… bracket is used as a placeholder that describes something as a placeholder that describes something actual we need to type while writing actual program.
(a)     Curly
(b)   Square
(c)    Angle
(d)   Round
                            71)            Which of the following is an angle bracket ?
(a)    < >
(b)   { }
(c)    ( )
(d)   [ ]
                            72)            The definition of the method (function) in java consists of function header and the sequence of statements enclosed between braces……….. .
(a)    < >
(b)   { }
(c)    ( )
(d)   [ ]
                            73)            As  java is an object-oriented language.
(a)    program
(b)   procedure
(c)    list
(d)   class
                            74)            A method in java program cannot exist  by itself. It has to be a part of a ………… .
(a)    program
(b)   procedure
(c)    list
(d)   class
                            75)            Based on the structure of a java program ………….in the first line is the name of the class having main method in it.
(a)    <class-name>
(b)   public
(c)    class
(d)   name
                            76)            If the name of the class is CallCost, then the program should conventionally be saved in a java source file with a name……….. .
(a)    CallCost.class
(d)   Callcost
                            77)            When this file is compiled, another file named ……….. is generated.
(a)    CallCost.class
(d)   Callcost
                            78)            Class file, CallCost.class, contains the translation of the program into java……………., which can be executed by a java interpreter.
(a)    bytes
(b)   binary number
(c)    bytecode
(d)   byte
                            79)            variable and method declaration after and before………. Method is optional .
(a)    mani()
(b)   string[]
(c)    string[] args
(d)   main()
                            80)            Each program must have one……… that contains public method  main().
(a)    Program
(b)   Procedure
(c)    List
(d)   Class
                            81)            Java is a…….. format language.
(a)    free
(b)   busy
(c)    object
(d)   class
                            82)            The entire java program can be written together on single line but……. Is important to make it more readable.
(a)    display
(b)   layout
(c)    plan
(d)   design
                            83)            A program can contain other methods besides ………….. as well as other variables.
(a)    Main()
(b)   String[]
(c)    string[] args
(d)   main()
                            84)            Which of the following are the basic java statements used within a method definition such as main() ?
(a)    Data Types
(b)   Variables
(c)    Literals
(d)   All of these
                            85)            Which of the following are the basic java statements used within a method definition such a main() ?
(a)    Comments
(b)   Java statements and expressions
(c)    Arithmetic operators
(d)   All of these
                            86)            Which of the following are the basic java statements used within a method definition such a main() ?
(a)    Comparisions
(b)   Logical operators
(c)    Both (A) and (B)
(d)   None of these
                            87)            …………. Determines the required memory size, type of values, range of values and type of operations that can be performed.
(a)    data Types
(b)   variables
(c)    literals
(d)   all of these
                            88)            Java supports…………… primitive data types that handle common types for integers, floating-point numbers, characters and Boolean values (true of false).
(a)    seven
(b)   eight
(c)    nine
(d)   ten
                            89)            the primitive ……. are named byte, short, int, long, float, double, char,Boolean.
(a)    data types
(b)   variables
(c)    literals
(d)   all of these
                            90)            The first four data types hold……….. .
(a)    Real numbers
(b)   integers
(c)    single character
(d)   true or false
                            91)            The next two data types hold……. .
(a)    real number
(b)   integers
(c)    single character
(d)   true or false
                            92)            The Boolean data type holds one of the two logical values true of false.
(a)    Real numbers
(b)   Integers
(c)    Single character
(d)   True or false
                            93)            The Boolean data type holds one of the two logical values true or false.
(a)    Real numbers
(b)   Integers
(c)    Single character
(d)   True or false
                            94)            The data types in java are called………. As they are built into the system.
(a)    fixed
(b)   ancient
(c)    primitive
(d)   new
                            95)            in java the…….. are machine-independent, this means that they can be relied on their sizes and characteristic to be consistent across all java  programs on all machines.
(a)    data types
(b)   variables
(c)    literals
(d)   all of these
                            96)            integer numbers with b bits………. Store signed values in the range of (-2b-1-1,  2b-1).
(a)    accuracy
(b)   precision
(c)    exactness
(d)   vagueness
                            97)            when the integer numbers are preceded with keyword…………the values are in the range of keyword………, the values are in the range of (0, 2b-1).
(a)    signed
(b)   unsigned
(c)    boolean
(d)   byte
                            98)            ……….. in java are complaint with IEEE 754 (an international standard for defining floating-point numbers and arithmetic|).
(a)    Real numbers
(b)   Integers
(c)    Single character
(d)   True or false
                            99)            Java uses the Unicode…….. set.
(a)    Numerical
(b)   IEEE
(c)    Character
(d)   None of these
                        100)            The char type has…….. bits or precision and is unsigned.
(a)    13
(b)   14
(c)    15
(d)   16
                        101)            Data type ……… is not a number,nor can it be treated as one.
(a)    char
(b)   real
(c)    boolean
(d)   integer
                        102)            if anything is to be remembered by the computer, there will be a requirement of….. during program execution. It needs to be stored in the memory of the computer.
(a)    variable
(b)   literals
(c)    comments
(d)   operators
                        103)            ………manipulates the data that is stored in memory.
(a)    Information
(b)   Programs
(c)    Comments
(d)   Characters
                        104)            In machine language, data can only be referred to by giving the…… address of the location in memory where it is stored.
(a)    numerical
(b)   alphanumeric
(c)    alphabetical
(d)   real
                        105)            In a…….. language such as java, names are used instead of numeric address of memory location to refer to data.
(a)    low-level
(b)   middle-level
(c)    high-level
(d)   top-level
                        106)            A name is used to refer to the data stored in memory and it is called a …………….. .
(a)    variable
(b)   literal
(c)    comment
(d)   operator
                        107)            A………… can take different data values at different times during the execution of the program, but it always refers to the same memory location.
(a)    variable
(b)   literal
(c)    comment
(d)   operator
                        108)            A…….. can be used In a java program only if it has been declared.
(a)    variable
(b)   literal
(c)    comment
(d)   operator
                        109)            One or more variables can be declared in java using…………. Statement.
(a)    beginning
(b)   initial
(c)    declaration
(d)   comment
                        110)            In java, the conventional syntax of…………. Denote the item to be specified by user.
(a)    curly brackets
(b)   square brackets
(c)    angle brackets
(d)   round brackets
                        111)            In java, the conventional syntax of …………… denote the list of items separated by commas.
(a)    curly brackets
(b)   square brackets
(c)    angle brackets
(d)    round brackets
                        112)            In syntax: {variable names} , it denote the list of …………name.
(a)    variable
(b)   literal
(c)    comment
(d)   operator
                        113)            When the list contains more than one item, items should be separated by ………. .
(a)    semi colon
(b)   commas
(c)    full stop
(d)   colon
                        114)            In typical java syntax, the <type-name> is to be replaced with the keyword denoting the…………… of the variables.
(a)    data types
(b)   variables
(c)    literals
(d)   comments
                        115)            ……….. is used to determine the size of variable, the values it can hold and the operations that can be performed on it.
(a)    Real numbers
(b)   Variables
(c)    Data types
(d)   Floats
                        116)            When the compute executes a variables…….. statement, it sets aside memory for the variable and associates the variable’s name with that memory.
(a)    data type
(b)   initial
(c)    declaration
(d)   comment
                        117)            which of the following examples of variables is correct ?
(a)    Int marks;
(b)   Double amount , interest;
(c)    Float rate;
(d)   All of these
                        118)            which of the following rule is incorrect while defining a variable name ?
(a)    It must begin with an alphabet, underscore(_)
(b)   It must begin with a percentage sign (%)
(c)    No spaces are allowed word
(d)   It cannot be a reserved word.
                        119)            Which of the following is true ?
(a)    Java is case-sensitive.
(b)   Java is not case-sensitive
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
                        120)            Upper case and lower case letters are considered to be……..
(a)    same
(b)   similar
(c)    different
(d)   related
                        121)            In java, it is customary for names of ……… to begin with upper case letters.
(a)    variables
(b)   methods
(c)    comments
(d)   classes
                        122)            In java, it is customary for names of ……… to begin with lower case letters.
(a)    variables
(b)   methods
(c)    comments
(d)   both (a) and (b)
                        123)            Which of the following is not a good programming style for declaring variables ?
(a)    Declare ten variables in a declaration statement.
(b)   Include a comment with each variable declaration to explain its purpose.
(c)     Declare important variables at the beginning of the function.
(d)   None of these
                        124)            In java, there are …….. kinds of variables.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
                        125)            Which of the following is a kind of variable in java ?
(a)    Instance variable
(b)   Class variable
(c)    Local variable
(d)   All of these
                        126)            Function parameters and variables declared in the function are considered as……… variables.
(a)    External
(b)   Internal
(c)    Local
(d)   Limited
                        127)            Each variable can be given a ……..value while declaring.
(a)    initial
(b)   last
(c)    cumulative
(d)   opening
                        128)            In general, syntax of declaring variables is…….. .
(a)    <type name> {variable =<value>,};
(b)   <type name> {variable [=<value>,]};
(c)    type name {variable [=<value>,]};
(d)   <type name> {variable [=<value>,]};
                        129)            In general, syntax of declaring variables is……….. .
(a)    curly brackets { }
(b)   square brackets [ ]
(c)    angle brackets < >
(d)   round brackets ( )
                        130)            It is programmer’s responsibility to assign value to…….. before their first use.
(a)    variables
(b)   methods
(c)    comments
(d)   both (a) and (b)
                        131)            A  name used for a constant value is known as……… .
(a)    data types
(b)   variables
(c)    literals
(d)   comments
                        132)            There are some different kinds of …….. in java for  number, character, string and Boolean values.
(a)    data types
(b)   variables
(c)    literals
(d)   comments
                        133)            ……………….. are used to represent integer or real numbers; for example, 157 and 17.42.
(a)    Numeric variables
(b)   Numeric literals
(c)    Integer literals
(d)   Character literals
                        134)            ……………. Are literals that are whole numbers.
(a)    Real number literals
(b)   Integer real number literals
(c)    Integer literals
(d)   Character literals
                        135)            Java allows Unicode integer literals called decimal whose base is……. .
(a)    10
(b)   8
(c)    16
(d)   32
                        136)            Java allows Unicode integer literals called octal whose base is…….. .
(a)    10
(b)   8
(c)    16
(d)   32
                        137)            Java allows Unicode integer literals called Hexadecimal whose base is…….. .
(a)    10
(b)   8
(c)    16
(d)   32
                        138)            ……….. integers such as 4, 157, 17777 and -32 are decimal integer literals of types byte, short or int depending on their size.
(a)    Ordinary
(b)   Simple
(c)    Complicated
(d)   Real
                        139)            A decimal integer larger than int is automatically of type……… .
(a)    short
(b)   long
(c)    float
(d)   mixed
                        140)            The user can force a smaller number to be long by appending an……. As a suffix to that number.
(a)    S or s
(b)   A or a
(c)    L or l
(d)   M or m
                        141)            ………….. integers are preceded by a minus (-) sign, for example, -45.
(a)    Positive
(b)   Real
(c)    Large
(d)   Negative
                        142)            ……………. Numbers use only the digit 0 through 7. In java, a numeric literal with a leading 0 (zero) is interpreted as an octal number.
(a)    Hexadecimal
(b)   Octal
(c)    Decimal
(d)   Real
                        143)            …………… numbers use 16 digits, the usual digits 0 to 9 and the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F.
(a)    Hexadecimal
(b)   Octal
(c)    Decimal
(d)   Real
                        144)            In hexadecimal, the letters……… represent the numbers 10 to 15 respectively.
(a)    A to E
(b)   A to G
(c)    A to F
(d)   A to D
                        145)            In java, a……… literal begins with 0x or 0X.
(a)    Hexadecimal
(b)   Octal
(c)    Decimal
(d)   Real
                        146)            Examples of……….. literals are 0x45 or 0xFF7A.
(a)    hexadecimal
(b)   octal
(c)    decimal
(d)   real
                        147)            ………. Numbers are also used in character literals to represent arbitrary unicode characters.
(a)    Hexadecimal
(b)   Octal
(c)    Decimal
(d)   Real
                        148)            A………. literal consists of \u followed by four hexadecimal digits.
(a)    Hexacode
(b)   Unicode
(c)    Bytecode
(d)   None of these
                        149)            For example, the character literal ‘\u00E9’ represents the ……… character that is an “e” with a n acute accent.
(a)    Hexacode
(b)   Unicode
(c)    Bytecode
(d)   None of these
                        150)            ………….. also supports binary numbers, using the digits 0 and 1 the prefix ob ( or 0B). for example 0b10110 or 0b101011001011.
(a)    Java 7.0
(b)   Java 7.1
(c)    Java 7
(d)   Java 8
                        151)             ……………literals are called floating point literals.
(a)    Real integer
(b)   Real point
(c)    Real float
(d)   Real number
                        152)            ………… numbers can be represented using two types of notations: standard and scientific.
(a)    Real integer
(b)   Real point
(c)    Real float
(d)   Real number
                        153)            In standard notations, the integer part and the fractional part are separated with ………. For example 12.37.
(a)    Decimal point (.)
(b)   Comma (,)
(c)    Colon (:)
(d)   Semi-colon (;)
                        154)            In scientific notation, a number is followed by letter………. And a signed integer exponent, for example 1.3e12 and 12.3737e-108.
(a)    X or x
(b)   S or s
(c)    E or e
(d)   Both (a) and (c)
                        155)            ……………… format can be used to express very large and very small numbers.
(a)    Scientific
(b)   Unicode
(c)    ASCII
(d)   Binary
                        156)            In java, floating point literal by default is of the type………
(a)    long
(b)   float
(c)    double
(d)   single
                        157)            The suffix………. Can be written in either lower or upper case.
(a)    F
(b)   R
(c)    X
(d)   0X
                        158)            For the type………… there are precisely two literals: true and false.
(a)    integer
(b)   real
(c)    character
(d)   boolean
                        159)            ……………. Literals are to be types without quotes.
(a)    Integer
(b)   Real
(c)    Character
(d)   Boolean
                        160)            ……….. literals represent values, not variables.
(a)    Integer
(b)   Real
(c)    Character
(d)   Boolean
                        161)             Boolean  values occur most often as the values of conditional ………………
(a)    expression
(b)   statements
(c)    methods
(d)   true or false
                        162)            In C language, 0 is treated as false and……….. value  is treated as true.
(a)    number
(b)   non-zero
(c)    character
(d)   none of these
                        163)            in Java, literals true and false are not associated with any …….. vallu.
(a)    ASCII
(b)   real
(c)    numeric
(d)   expression
                        164)            ………….. literals are expressed by a single character surrounded by single quotes.
(a)    Integer
(b)   Real
(c)    Character
(d)   Boolean
                        165)            Characters are stored as ……….. Unicode character.
(a)    16-bit
(b)   8-bit
(c)    32-bit
(d)   64-bit
                        166)            Certain special characters have special literals that use a ………… as an “escape character”.
(a)    Salas (/)
(b)   Back slash (\)
(c)    Both (a) and  (b)
(d)   None of these
                        167)            ‘\n’ escape code means………. .
(a)    Tab
(b)   Line
(c)    New line
(d)   Backspace
                        168)            ‘\n’ Escape code means……….. .
(a)    Tab
(b)   Line
(c)    New line
(d)   Backspace
                        169)            ‘\b’ Escape code means……… .
(a)    Tab
(b)   Line
(c)    New line
(d)   Backspace
                        170)            ‘\r’ Escape code means……. .
(a)    Return
(b)   Carriage return
(c)    Rise
(d)   Real
                        171)            ‘\f’ Escape code means……… .
(a)     Form
(b)   Form feed
(c)    Format page
(d)   Feed
                        172)            ‘\\’ Escape code means………..
(a)    Backspace
(b)   Back slash character
(c)    Slash character
(d)   None of these
                        173)            \’ Escape code means……… .
(a)    Single character
(b)   Back splash character
(c)    Single quote character
(d)   Double quote character
                        174)            \”Escape code means………
(a)    Single character
(b)   Back splash character
(c)    Single quote character
(d)   Double quote character
                        175)            A………………. is a sequence of characters.
(a)    string
(b)   statement
(c)    real number
(d)   expression
                        176)            ………….. literal is a sequence of character enclosed in double quotes.
(a)    String
(b)   Statement
(c)    Real number
(d)   Comments
                        177)            Within a ……………, special characters can be represented using the backslash notation.
(a)    string
(b)   statement
(c)    real number
(d)   expression
                        178)            …………. In a program are for human readers only.
(a)    String
(b)   Statement
(c)    Real number
(d)   Comments
                        179)            …………. Are entirely ignored by the computer.
(a)    String
(b)   Statement
(c)    Real number
(d)   Comments
                        180)            …………. Are important to make the program easy to understand for everyone.
(a)    String
(b)   Statement
(c)    Real number
(d)   Comments
                        181)            Java supports ………. Types of comments.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
                        182)            ………. Comment begins with double slashes (//) and extends till the end of line.
(a)    Multi-line
(b)   Single-line
(c)    Documentation
(d)   None of these
                        183)            ………… comment begins with /* and ends with */.
(a)    Multi-line
(b)   Single-line
(c)    Documentation
(d)   None of these
                        184)            …….. comment type of comments begin with /** and end with */.
(a)    Multi-line
(b)   Single-line
(c)    Documentation
(d)   None of these
                        185)            ………….. are used for creating API documentation from the code. These are special comments that are used for the javadoc system.
(a)    Multi-line
(b)   Single-line
(c)    Documentation
(d)   None of these
                        186)            ………. are an essential part of programming.
(a)    Expression
(b)   Operators
(c)    Codes
(d)   Documentation
                        187)            The basic building blocks of expressions are ……….., variables and function calls.
(a)    literals
(b)   expressions
(c)    parameters
(d)   documents
                        188)            A function is a ……….. that returns a value.
(a)    routine
(b)   subroutine
(c)    procedure
(d)   expression
                        189)            Operators include………….. .
(a)    Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, % )
(b)   Comparison operators (<, >, =, . . .)
(c)    Logical operators (and, or, not . . . )
(d)   All of these
                        190)            When several operators appear in an expression, there is a question of ………. Which determines how the operators are grouped for evaluation.
(a)    order
(b)   continuity
(c)    precedence
(d)   evaluation
                        191)            Multiplication (*) has a higher ………… than addition (+).
(a)    order
(b)   continuity
(c)    precedence
(d)   evaluation
                        192)            if the default…….. is not what is required, then parentheses are used to explicitly specify the grouping.
(a)    order
(b)   continuity
(c)    Precedence
(d)   Evaluation
                        193)            …………… are special symbols used to build expression.
(a)    Symbols
(b)   Operators
(c)    Brackets
(d)   Documents
                        194)            Java supports many types of different operators like.
(a)    Arithmetic Operators
(b)   Comparison Operators
(c)    Logical Operators
(d)   All of these
                        195)            Java supports many types of different operators like.
(a)    Conditional Operators
(b)   Assignment Operators
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
                        196)            Which of the following is not an arithmetic operator ?
(a)    +
(b)   !=
(c)    *
(d)   %
                        197)            Which of the following is not an arithmetic operator.?
(b)   = =
(c)    /
(d)   %
                        198)            All the arithmetic operators are binary and take ………. Operands.
(a)    two
(b)   four
(c)    six
(d)   eight
                        199)            which of the following is the modulus operator. ?
(a)    +
(b)   !=
(c)    *
(d)   %
                        200)            With ……… operator, if first operand is negative, the result is negative.
(a)    multiplication
(b)   addition
(c)    modulus
(d)   division
                        201)            Operator ……… can also be used to concatenate a string.
(a)    /
(b)   *
(c)    +
(d)   %
                        202)            Unary operator ++ is called the …….. operator.
(a)    increment
(b)   decrement
(c)    both (a) and (b)
(d)   none of these              
                        203)            Unary operator –is called the ………. operator.
(a)    increment
(b)   decrement
(c)     both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
                        204)            Comparison operators are also known as ……….. operators.
(a)     comparative
(b)   relational
(c)    unary
(d)   logical
                        205)            The meaning of A==B is ……… .
(a)    Is A “equal to” B?
(b)   Is A “not equal to” B?
(c)    Is A “less than” B?
(d)   Is A “greater than” B?
                        206)            The meaning of A != B is……… .
(a)    Is A “equal to” B?
(b)   Is A “not equal to” B?
(c)    Is A “less than” B?
(d)   Is A “greater than” B?
                        207)            ……….. operators are also Boolean operators, as they operate on Boolean operands.
(a)    Comparative
(b)   Relational
(c)    Unary
(d)   Logical
                        208)            In Jaya, logical operations AND is performed  using………. .
(a)    ||
(c)    !
(d)   &&
                        209)            In java, logical operations OR is performed using……….
(a)    ||
(c)    !
(d)   &&
                        210)            In java, logical operations XOR is performed using………….
(a)    ||
(c)    !
(d)   &&
                        211)            In java, logical operations NOT is performed using……….. .
(a)    ||
(c)    !
(d)   &&
                        212)            The conditional operator in java is a………… . operator using three operands.
(a)    ternary
(b)   relational
(c)    conditional
(d)   logical
                        213)            …………. Uses two symbols ? and: in the expression to delimit three operands.
(a)    Ternary
(b)    Relational
(c)    Conditional
(d)   Logical
                        214)            In Java, an expression containing assignment …………operator is generally referred to as assignment statement.
(a)    = =
(b)   =
(c)    !=
(d)   #=
                        215)            Which of the following is not an example shorthand assignment operator ?
(a)    a + =b
(b)   q &&=p
(c)    a + b = c
(d)   a - =b
                        216)            A…….. is used when a conversion of a value has to be forced.
(a)    Full Cast
(b)   Operator Cast
(c)    Cast
(d)   Type Cast
                        217)            In java, operators are evaluated as per their precedence.
(a)    Order
(b)   Continuity
(c)    Precedence
(d)   Evaluation
                        218)            When two operators with the same precedence appear in the expression, the expression is evaluated according to its………… .
(a)    Order
(b)   Associativity
(c)    Precedence
(d)   Evaluation
                        219)            The Associativity of Unary operators is from:
(a)    Left –to-Right
(b)   Right-to-Left
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
                        220)             The Associativity of logical operators is from:
(a)    Left-of-Right
(b)   Right-to-Left
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
                        221)            The Associativity of conditional operators is from:
(a)    Left-of-Right
(b)   Right-to-Left
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
                        222)            The associativity of relational operators is from:
(a)    Left-of-Right
(b)   Right-to-Left
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
                        223)            The statements that enable the flow of execution are considered as…….. .
(a)    blocks
(b)   structures
(c)    control structures
(d)   logical structures
                        224)            There  are ………… types  of control structures.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
                        225)            …………. Are used to repeat a sequence of statements over and over until some condition  occurs.
(a)    Structures
(b)   Charts
(c)     Branches
(d)   Loops
                        226)            ……… are used to choose among two or more possible courses of action, so also called selective structure.
(a)    Structures
(b)   Blocks
(c)    Branches
(d)   Loops
                        227)            A block statement is  a group of statement enclosed between a pair of…………. Braces.
(a)    { and }
(b)   < and >
(c)    ( and )
(d)   [ and ]
                        228)            A………… declared inside a block is completely inaccessible and invisible from outside that block.
(a)    variable
(b)   name
(c)    integer
(d)   number
                        229)            The…………. Of a variable defined inside a block is limited to that block only.
(a)    area
(b)   locality
(c)    scope
(d)   range
                        230)            the …………….. when used in a program enables to take one of two alternative courses of action, depending on whether the value of a given Boolean – valued expression is true of false.
(a)    Else Statement
(b)   If statement
(c)    While
(d)   Do…………. While
                        231)            …………. Is an example of a “branching” or “decision” or “selection” control structure.
(a)    Switch statement
(b)   If statement
(c)    While
(d)   Do……… while
                        232)            A……….. is used when there are many alternative actions to be taken depending upon the value of a variable or expression.
(a)     Switch statement
(b)   If statement
(c)    While
(d)   Do……… while
                        233)            In  the………, the test expression should be of the type byte, char short or int. it can also be of enum data type.
(a)    Switch statement
(b)   If statement
(c)    While
(d)   Do……… while
                        234)            Java supports …………. Type of looping constructs.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
                        235)            which of the following is a type of looping construct in java ?
(a)    For
(b)   While
(c)    Do……. While
(d)   All of these
                        236)            The…………… statement is used to transfer the control outside switch or loop structure.
(a)    For
(b)   While
(c)    Continue
(d)   Break
                        237)            In a loop, ………….. statement is used to exit the loop.
(a)    For
(b)   While
(c)    Continue
(d)   Break
                        238)            Use of ……… statement is used to skip the following statements in a loop and continue with the next iteration.
(a)    For
(b)   While
(c)    Continue
(d)   Break
                        239)            ………….. of same or different types can be nested in java.
(a)    Loops
(b)   Controls
(c)    Charts
(d)   Structures
                        240)            If the programmer wants to control which loop to break and which loop to reiterate,…………. Can be used.
(a)    Labeled Controls
(b)   Labelled loops
(c)    Named controls
(d)   Named loops
                        241)            To use a labeled loop, add the label followed by ……….. before the loop.
(a)    Semi Colon ( ; )
(b)   Colon ( : )
(c)    Full stop (.)
(d)   All of these
                        242)            The default value of Boolean type data is …………… .
(a)    True
(b)   False
(c)    0
(d)   1
                        243)            What will be the result of arithmetic expression 11/2 ?
(a)    5
(b)   5.5
(c)    1
(d)   0
                        244)            11%2 will give the output as…………. .
(a)    5
(b)   5.5
(c)    1
(d)   0
                        245)            ………..character set is used for char data type in java.
(a)    Unicode
(c)    ASCII
(d)   All of these
                        246)            What will be the output of the expression 5*(6+2) /2?
(a)    19
(b)   20
(c)    21
(d)   22
                        247)            Output of 44/(6+5)*(3-1) is……… .
(a)    8
(b)   9
(c)    8.5
(d)   9.5
                        248)            Which of the following is error free ?
(a)    For (;;) { int i=10 };
(b)   While  (1) { int i=10) ;
(c)    While (true) {int i=1};
(d)   All of these
                        249)            The …………… statement makes use of branching decision making.
(a)    While
(b)   For
(c)    If

(d)   Do………. While

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