GSEB: STD:12: COMPUTER STUDIES 2014-2015: CH. NO. 6 (Reference Guide with Answers highlighted)

                  1)            Object – oriented programming concepts started originating in the ………….
(a)    1950s
(b)   1960s
(c)    1970c
(d)   1980s
                  2)            Since mid ……….. Object – oriented programming had become the main Programming paradigm used in the creation of new software.
(a)    195s
(b)   1960s
(c)    1970s
(d)   1980s
                  3)            Some of the popular programming languages that support…….. programming are C++, Java,  C#, , and PHP.
(a)    Object – oriented
(b)   Structural
(c)    Modular
(d)   Procedural
                  4)            The way of programming can be divided into ………………… categories.
(a)    Four
(b)   Three
(c)     Two
(d)   One
                  5)            Java is a………… programming language.
(A)   Object – oriented
(B)   Structural
(C)   Modular
(D)   Procedural
                  6)            The categories are……….. and Objected.
(a)    Objective
(b)   Structure/ procedural
(c)    Modular
(d)   Functional
                  7)            In…………. programming, the focus is on writing functions or procedures which operate on data.
(a)    Procedural
(b)   Modular
(c)    Functional
(d)   None of these
                  8)            In Object – oriented…………….., the focus is on objects which contain data and functionality together.
(a)    Pattern
(b)   Prototype
(c)    Paradigm
(d)   Example
                  9)            The power of Object – oriented programming language enable the programmer to create modular, reusable and ……… code.
(a)    Complete
(b)   Accomplished
(c)    Prefect
(d)   Executable
               10)            Flexibility is gained by being able to change or replace ………….. without disturbing other parts of code.
(a)    Modules
(b)   Parts
(c)    Functions
(d)    Methods
               11)            Object – oriented programming uses………….. as its fundamental building block.
(a)    Method
(b)   Class
(c)    Object
(d)    Procedure
               12)            A computer language is Object – oriented if they support four specific object properties called …………..
(a)    Abstraction
(b)   Encapsulation
(c)    Polymorphism and inheritance
(d)   All of these
               13)            C# is a………… programming language.
(a)    Object – oriented
(b)   Structural
(c)    Modular
(d)   Procedural
               14)            In the real world,………… are the entities of which the world is comprised.
(a)    Methods
(b)   Classes
(c)    Objects
(d)   Procedures
               15)            Some objects can be………… things like person, car or a cup of coffee.
(a)    Abstract
(b)   Concrete
(c)    Real
(d)   Solid
               16)            Some objects may be…………. That do not represent things which can be touched or seen.
(a)    abstract
(b)    concrete
(c)    real
(d)   solid
               17)            All objects have unique…….and are distinguishable from each other.
(a)    Personality
(b)   Objects
(c)    Procedures
(d)   Identity
               18)            In object- oriented terminology characteristics are known as properties or…………… .
(a)    features
(b)    attributes
(c)    values
(d)   states
               19)            To uniquely distinguish one person from other, the ………….. of its characteristics is used.
(a)    worth
(b)   cost
(c)    value
(d)   property
               20)            When two people have same name, they can be distinguished using other attributes like……………. .
(a)    color
(b)   name
(c)    birth-date
(d)   behavior
               21)            To identify …………….., the value of the attributes is used.
(a)    personality
(b)   objects
(c)    procedures
(d)   identity
               22)            There is always a behavior associated with……………….,
(a)    personality
(b)   objects
(c)    procedures
(d)   identity
               23)            The behavior of objects is also known as………………….
(a)    method
(b)   technique
(c)    process
(d)    procedure
               24)            The………….of the object can change due to its behaviour.
(a)    state
(b)   method
(c)    status
(d)   class
               25)            Object can be described in terms of
(a)    What it is called (identity)
(b)   What it is (its state)
(c)    What it does(  behavior)
(d)   All of these
               26)            In Object – oriented programming, attributes that describe the object are also referred to as             …………… fields .
(a)    information
(b)   method
(c)    data
(d)   name
               27)            The data attributes and behavioral methods associated with an object are collectively referred to as         its………..or features.
(a)    component
(b)   associate
(c)    part
(d)   member
               28)            ……………. System uses the concept of class that enables to express the set of objects that are            abstractly equivalent, differing only in the values  of their attributes.
(a)    Object – oriented
(b)   Value – oriented
(c)    Data – oriented
(d)   All of these
               29)            A ………… can be considered as a blueprint for various objects.
(a)    method
(b)   class
(c)    object
(d)   member
               30)            A class is a …………… for multiple objects with similar features.
(a)    image
(b)   representation
(c)    template
(d)   guide
               31)            A class describes a group of objects with similar………….. and common behaviour.
(a)    features
(b)   attributes
(c)    values
(d)   states
               32)            ……………in the same class share a common semantic purpose.
(a)    Methods
(b)   Classes
(c)    Objects
(d)   Members
               33)            …………. Is a general concept used to embody all the common features of a particular set of objects.
(a)    Method
(b)   Class
(c)     Object
(d)   Member
               34)            The class…………. Presents a collection of classes, constraints and relationship among classes.
(a)    diagram
(b)   map
(c)    drawing
(d)    figure
               35)            …………….. can be used to create models of object – oriented software to help with design of an application.
(a)    ULM
(b)   UML
(c)    LUM
(d)   MUL
               36)            ……………… is a visual modeling language defined and maintained by the object management group.
(a)    ULM
(b)   UML
(c)    LUM
(d)   MUL
               37)            ……………. Specifies several diagrams for representing different aspects of a software application.
(a)    ULM
(b)   UML
(c)    LUM
(d)   MUL
               38)            The purpose of the class …………. Is to model  the static view of an application.
(a)    diagram
(b)   map
(c)    drawing
(d)   figure
               39)            The class’s diagrams are only diagrams which can be directly mapped with object – oriented………………. .
(a)    method
(b)   procedures
(c)    languages
(d)   attributes
               40)            In class diagram, a class in represented with an icon using a rectangle split into………….. sections to present name, attributes and behavior.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)     three
(d)   four
               41)            In the class diagram, the name is in the………….. section.
(a)    top
(b)   middle
(c)    centre
(d)   bottom
               42)            In the class diagram, the attributes or methods are in the………… section.
(a)    top
(b)   middle
(c)    centre
(d)   bottom
               43)            In the class diagram, the behavior or operations are in the ………….. section.
(a)    top
(b)   middle
(c)    centre
(d)   bottom
               44)            Full form of UML is………….
(a)    Unified Modeling language
(b)   United modeling language
(c)    United model of language
(d)   None of these
               45)            Full form of OMG is……………………… .
(a)    Oriented management group
(b)   Oriented managing group
(c)    Object management group
(d)   Object management grouping
               46)            In UML notation, an attribute Is declared using the following syntax:
(a)    [<visibility>]<attribute name> [:<attribute data type> [=<last value>]]
(b)   [<visibility>]<attribute name> [:<attribute data type> [=<initial value>]]
(c)    [<visibility>] [:<attribute data type> [=<initial value>]]
(d)   <attribute name> [:<attribute data type> [=<last value>]]
               47)            In an attribute declaration, the……………. Brackets are optional.
(a)    round
(b)   chain
(c)    angle
(d)   square
               48)            In an attribute declaration, the values should be specified in th……………. Brackets.
(a)    round
(b)   chain
(c)    angle
(d)   square
               49)            In an attribute declaration, the ……………. Can be private, protected, public or package.
(a)    visibility
(b)   invisible
(c)    evident
(d)   obvious
               50)            In an attribute declaration, the private visibility is represented by………….. symbol.
(b)   #
(c)    +
               51)            In an attribute declaration, the protected visibility is represented by………. Symbol.
(b)   #
(c)    +
               52)            In an attribute declaration, the public visibility is represented by ‘……………..’ symbol.
(b)   #
(c)    +
               53)            In an attribute declaration, the package visibility is represented by ‘…………….’ Symbol.
(b)   #
(c)    +
               54)            Attribute generally refers to a …………. .
(a)    Variable
(b)   Property
(c)    Value
(d)   Class
               55)            ……………type and initial value identify the type of data store and its value at the start of the program.
(a)    Data
(b)   Date
(c)    Value
(d)   Class
               56)            ……………….. is an example of declaring attribute.
(a)    Name:-string;
(b)   Name: string
(c)    Name ++string
(d)   Name = string
               57)            In UML  notation, an operation is declared using …………. Syntax:
(a)    [<visibility>]<class name> ( parameter list separated by comma): < return data type>
(b)   [<visibility>]<procedure name>( parameter list separated by comma):<return data type>
(c)    [<visibility>]<method  name>( parameter list separated by comma):<return data type>
(d)   None of these.
               58)            ……….. diagrams are independent of the  programming language used for coding an application.
(a)    ULM
(b)   UML
(c)    LUM
(d)   MUL
               59)            …………. Are presented using their state during execution of an application.
(a)    Methods
(b)   Procedures
(c)    Classes
(d)   Objects
               60)            Objects are……….. .
(a)    Dynamic
(b)   Vibrant
(c)     Colorful
(d)   All of these
               61)            An object is also called an ……………. .
(a)    Image
(b)   Illustration
(c)    Instance
(d)   Occurrence
               62)            For any computer program,  two or more elements are data and…………. .
(a)    Method
(b)   Function
(c)    Information
(d)   Procedure
               63)            Structured/procedural programming views the two core elements as………… separate entities.
(a)    One
(b)   Two
(c)    Three
(d)   None of these
               64)            ………… programming views the two core entities as single entity.
(a)    Object- oriented
(b)   Structured
(c)    Procedural
(d)   Instance
               65)            In………… programming, data can be altered by any component of the program.
(a)    Object-oriented
(b)   Structured
(c)    Procedural
(d)   Instance
               66)            In object-oriented programming, the problem of modification can be solved using…………….. .
(a)    polymorphism
(b)   abstraction
(c)    messaging
(d)   encapsulation
               67)            Data and the methods that …….. data are guarded against modification or misuse by other components of the program.
(a)    change
(b)   modify
(c)    manipulate
(d)   imitate
               68)            The mechanism of providing protection to data and methods of a program is called…………. .
(a)    polymorphism
(b)   abstraction
(c)    messaging
(d)   encapsulation
               69)            ……… is possible by wrapping data and methods into a single unit known as class and declaring them as private.
(a)    Encapsulation
(b)   Abstraction
(c)    Messaging
(d)    Polymorphism
               70)            ……… members of the class are not available directly to outside world.
(a)    Private
(b)   Public
(c)    Void
(d)   Static
               71)            Data can be made available via public ……………… to the outside world.
(a)    messages
(b)   methods
(c)    function
(d)   declarations
               72)            Encapsulation provides ………….. hiding capability.
(a)    information
(b)   data
(c)    code
(d)   class
               73)            …………… keeps the data safe from unintended actions and inadvertent access by outside objects.
(a)    Polymorphism
(b)   Abstraction
(c)    Messaging
(d)   Encapsulation
               74)            ………………. Programming discourages direct access to common data by other programs.
(a)    Object-oriented
(b)   Structured
(c)    Procedural
(d)   Instance
               75)            Only the object that…………….. the data can change its contant.
(a)    holds
(b)   possesses
(c)    owns
(d)   creates
               76)            Other objects can view or change this data by sending message to the “owner”.
(a)    Vendor
(b)   Businessman
(c)    Owner
(d)   Viewer
               77)            Data……….. is a process of representing the essential features of the objects without including implementation detail.
(a)    polymorphism
(b)   abstraction
(c)    messaging
(d)   encapsulation
               78)            …………. Is a concept that hides the complexity; it says what it does, but not how it is done.
(a)    Polymorphism
(b)   Abstraction
(c)    Messaging
(d)   Encapsulation
               79)            Data……….. thus is a technique that relies on the separation of interface and implementation.
(a)    polymorphism
(b)   abstraction
(c)    messaging
(d)   encapsulation
               80)            A user defined………. With necessary input data parameters also provides data abstraction.
(a)    Messages
(b)   Methods
(c)    Function
(d)   Declarations
               81)            The  signature of the function means the name of the function, number and type of parameters and the return type of………………..
(a)    Parameters
(b)   Methods
(c)    Parts
(d)   Variables
               82)            Data………… provides the skeleton or templates for the programmers use. The system hides certain details of how data is stored, created and maintained.
(a)    polymorphism
(b)   abstraction
(c)    messaging
(d)   encapsulation
               83)            All that is………….. to the rest of the world is the abstract behavior of  the data type.
(a)    invisible
(b)   hidden
(c)    seen
(d)   visible
               84)            …………… or structures ( struct ) in C/C++, classes / Java are examples for data abstraction.
(a)    ADVT
(b)   TDA
(c)    DAT
(d)   ADT
               85)            Full form  of ADT is ………… .
(a)    Abstraction data Type
(b)   Abstract Data Type
(c)    Abstract Data Type
(d)   Abstract Data Template
               86)            In…………… it is simple defined a data type and a set of operations on it. The implementation of operation is not seen.
(a)    ADVT
(b)   TDA
(c)    DAT
(d)   ADT
               87)            Encapsulation ……….. data by marking them inaccessible from outside.
(a)    Hides
(b)   Protects
(c)    Displays
(d)   Harms
               88)            ………….. enables to represent data in which the implementation details are hidden.
(a)    Polymorphism
(b)   Abstraction
(c)    Messaging
(d)   Encapsulation
               89)            In object-oriented terminology, a call to a method is referred to as a ……………. .
(a)    Message
(b)   Function
(c)    Call
(d)   Letter
               90)            Different …………. May have same methods with same name.
(a)    Functions
(b)   Messages
(c)    Classes
(d)   Variables
               91)            …………….. means ‘many forms’. There may be different forms of single method of operation.
(a)    Polymorphism
(b)   Abstraction
(c)    Messaging
(d)   Encapsulation
               92)            In a program, two integers will be required as ……… and returns maximum as Integer value.
(a)    Parameters
(b)   Methods
(c)    Parts
(d)   Variables
               93)            In some programming languages, it is not possible to define more than one…………. With the same name.
(a)    Function
(b)   Message
(c)    Class
(d)   Variable
               94)            In object-oriented programming, it is possible to define more than one method, as long as the method differs in…………. .
(a)    Parameters
(b)   Languages
(c)    Messages
(d)   Signatures
               95)            The features of defining more than one method having same name but different signatures in a single class Is known as function or method …………… .
(a)    Operator overloading
(b)   Function overloading
(c)    Method overloading
(d)   Both (B) and (C)
               96)            Object- oriented programming also allows writing expression using………….. on objects.
(a)    Methods
(b)   Operators
(c)    Variables
(d)   Parameters
               97)            Polymorphism is achieved using………… types of overloading.
(a)    Four
(b)   Three
(c)    Two
(d)   Five
               98)            In general, the capability of using same names to mean different things in different contexts is called…….. .
(a)    Overfilling
(b)   Overloading
(c)    Over capacity
(d)   Congestion
               99)            When objects of one class are composed of objects of other class, it is called………… or composition.
(a)    aggregation
(b)   masterpiece
(c)    work
(d)   messaging
           100)            ……………… represents ‘has-a’ or  ‘a-part-of’ relationship between classes.
(a)    Aggregation
(b)   Polymorphism
(c)    Work
(d)   Messaging
     101)            …………… represents non- exclusive relationship  between two classes.
(a)    Polymorphism
(b)   Aggregation
(c)    Inheritance
(d)   Abstraction
     102)   In ……….. , the class that forms part of the owner class can exist independently.
(a)    polymorphism
(b)   aggregation
(c)    inheritance
(d)   abstraction
     103)   The life of an ……….. of the part class Is not determined by the owner class.
(a)    Variable
(b)   Parameter
(c)    Operator
(d)   Object
     104)   Although the motherboard is part of the computer, it can exist as a separate item independent of the …………….. .
(a)    Workstation
(b)   System
(c)    Computer
(d)   Processor
        105)   Basic aggregation is represented using an empty…………. Symbol next to the whole class.
(a)    square
(b)   diamond
(c)    triangle
(d)   circle
        106)   ………….. represents exclusive relationship  between two classes.
(a)    Composition
(b)   Aggregation
(c)    Inheritance
(d)   Abstraction
        107)   …………. Is a strong type of aggregation where the lifetime of the part class depends on the existence of the owner class.
(a)    Composition
(b)   Aggregation
(c)    Inheritance
(d)   Abstraction
        108)   If an object of aggregating class is deleted, its part……….. object also gets deleted.
(a)    Function
(b)   Message
(c)    Class
(d)   Variable
        109)   When an object of class person is deleted, the object of class Name is also…………. .
(a)    removed
(b)   deleted
(c)    detached
(d)   attached
110)   ………… is generally referred to as ‘is-a-kind-of’ relationship between two  classes.
(a) Composition
(b)                        Aggregation
(c) Inheritance
(d)                        Abstraction
  111)         ……………. Refers to the capability of defining a new class is called sub class or child class or derived class.
(a)    Inheritance
(b)   Composition
(c)    Aggregation
(d)   Messaging
112)   In object-oriented terminology,………… class is called sub class or child class or derived class.
(a)    latest
(b)   new
(c)    old
(d)   super
           113)   The existing class is called ………… class or parent class or base class.
(a)    sub
(b)   new
(c)    super
(d)   child
           114)   The data……………. And methods of the  super class are available to objects in the sub class without rewriting their declarations.
(a)    attributes
(b)   properties
(c)    operators
(d)   features
           115)      The above feature (mention in above question ) provides reusability where existing method can be   reused without……….
(a)    introduction
(b)   availability
(c)    definition
(d)   redefining
           116)   Additionally  new data and method members can be added to the……. Class as an extension.
(a)    sub
(b)   new
(c)    super
(d)   child

           117)                        In a class diagram, inheritance is represented using an arrow pointing to…….. class.
(a)    sub
(b)   new
(c)    super
(d)   child
           118)                        …………….. is another name for inheritance or ‘is  a’ relationship.
(a)    Aggregation
(b)   Composition
(c)    Inheritance
(d)   Generalization
           119)                        ………….. refers to a relationship between two classes where one class is a specialized version of                 another.
(a)    Aggregation
(b)   Composition
(c)    Inheritance
(d)   Generalization
           120)                        Common attributes and methods are defined in………. class.
(a)    sub
(b)   new
(c)    super
(d)   child
           121)                        ………… class is a specialized version with additional attributes and methods.
(a)    sub
(b)   new
(c)    super
(d)   child
           122)   A…………… can be derived using more than parent classes.
(a)    method
(b)   program
(c)    class
(d)   variable
           123)   When a class is derived from two or more classes, it is know as multiple………….. .
(a)    aggregation
(b)   composition
(c)    inheritance
(d)   generalization
           124)      in ………………….. class inherits from other classes in order to share, reuse or extend functionality.
(a)    aggregation
(b)   composition
(c)    inheritance
(d)   generalization
           125)   In……….., classes do not inherit from other classes, but are ‘composed of’ other classes.
(a)    aggregation
(b)   composition
(c)    inheritance
(d)   generalization
           126)   ……………. As methodology is playing a significant role in analysis, design and implementation of                software system.
(a)    Object- oriented
(b)   Structure-oriented
(c)    Procedure-oriented
(d)   Aggregation-oriented
           127)   When a class contains objects of other class, the container class is called………… class or whole class        or aggregating class.
(a)    sub
(b)   owner
(c)    super
(d)   whole
           128)      The class that is contained in owner class is known as……………. Class or part  class or aggregated class.
(a)    sub
(b)   owner
(c)    subject
(d)   super
           129)   ………. Represents non-exclusive relationship between two classes.
(a)    Aggregation
(b)   Composition
(c)    Inheritance
(d)   Generalization
        130)   ………….. Represents exclusive relationship between two classes.
(a)    Aggregation
(b)   Composition
(c)    Inheritance
(d)   Generalization
           131)      When there is ‘is-a’ or ‘a-kind-of’ relationship between two classes, there is ………. Relationship.
(a)    aggregation
(b)   composition
(c)    inheritance
(d)   generalization
           132)   General features or common features of two classes are implemented in the ………….class.
(a)    sub
(b)   owner
(c)    subject
(d)   super
           133)      special features or two classes are implemented in sub class.
(a)    sub
(b)   owner
(c)    subject
(d)   super
           134)         In class diagram, composition is represented using which of the following symbols ?
(a)    Empty triangle symbol
(b)   Filled triangle symbol
(c)    Filled diamond symbol
(d)   Empty diamond symbol
           135)         An inheritance model refers to which of the following relationships ?
(a)    ‘has-a-relationship’
(b)   ‘a-part-of’  relationship
(c)    ‘is-a-part-of’ relationship
(d)   ‘is-a’ relationship
           136)         Which of the following is enabled by data abstraction ?
(a)    Data protection
(b)   Data hiding
(c)    Hide implementation details
(d)   Hide relationship details
           137)      Polymorphism cannot be achieved by which of the following ?
(a)    Operator overloading
(b)   Data hiding
(c)    Method overloading
(d)   None of these
           138)      Which of the following model refers to an aggregation ?
(a)    ‘a-part-of’ relationship
(b)   ‘is-like’ relationship
(c)    ‘is-a’ relationship
(d)   ‘has-a’ relationship
           139)      ……………is used to distinguish objects from each other.
(a)    Attributes
(b)   Behavior
(c)    State
(d)   All of these
           140)         ………… property suits best with java.
(a)    A structural language
(b)   An object-oriented language
(c)    A procedural language
(d)   An interpreting language
           141)         ……… is provided while using encapsulation.
(a)    Data protection
(b)   Data hiding
(c)    Data sharing
(d)   Data and methods separation
           142)      The focus is on………. Entity in an object-oriented methodology.
(a)    Functions
(b)   Data
(c)    Classes
(d)   Objects
           143)      in class diagram, basic aggregation is represented using which of the following symbols ?
(a)    Empty triangle symbol
(b)   Filled triangle symbol
(c)    Filled diamond symbol
(d)   Empty diamond symbol
           144)            The data type for NAME variable should be ………. .
(a)    string
(b)   char
(c)    data
(d)   int
           145)            The data type for BIRTHDATE variable should be ……………….. .
(a)    string
(b)   char
(c)    data
(d)   int
           146)            The data type for GENDER variable should be ………………. .
(a)    string
(b)   char
(c)    double
(d)   int
           147)            the data type for NO-OF-STUDENTS variable should be……….. .
(a)    string
(b)   char
(c)    double
(d)   int
           148)            …………… is used to define common features of similar objects.
(a)    Class
(b)   Procedure
(c)    Object
(d)   Method
           149)            The output of the function sqrt(25) is……….. .
(a)    5
(b)   10
(c)    15
(d)   20
           150)            The output of function printf (“Hello world”) will be………. .
(a)    “Hello world”
(b)   Hello world

(d)   Hello world

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