Multiple Choice Questions
                 1)            Which of the following attribute of form specifies the HTTP method to be used when sending the data?
a) method                                                     b) action
c) submit                                                        d) input
                 2)            Which of the following values are used by method attribute of Form element?
a) GET and SET                                             b) SET and POST
c) GET and POST                                         d) GET and PUT
                 3)            Which of the following attribute of the input element specifies the field that is to be created in the form?
a) Input                                                          b) Type
c) Name                                                          d) Value
                 4)            Which of the following element allows multi-line text input?
a) Input                                                          b) Select and Option
c) Textarea                                                   d) Form
                 5)            Which of the following element is used to create a drop down list or menu in a form?
a) Input                                                          b) Select and Option
c) Textarea                                                    d) Form
                 6)            Which of the following is a open source web development IDE?
a) HTML                                                         b) Kompozer
c) Scite                                                            d) Base
                 7)            ……………… can be done using CSS.
a) Control the font types and colors           b) Background features
            c) Control the position of elements            d) All of these
                 8)            CSS syntax uses ………… brackets.
(a)  ( )                                                             (b) { }                        
            (c) [ ]                                                              (d)<>
                 9)            CSS rules contains the …………………… part(s).
 a) Property                                                   b) Value for the property
            c)  Both (a)  and  (b)                                  d)  None of these
            10)            Which of the following is a container used to collect different kinds of inputs from the user?
a) Webpage                                                   b) Text
c) Input                                                           d) Form
            11)            Which of the following attribute of form is used to specify where to send the form data when for is submitted?
a) method                                                      b) action
c) submit                                                        d) input
            12)            …………………… is the correct syntax of CSS.
a) Selector{Property;Value}                        b) Selector{Property;Value:}
            c) Selector {Property:Value;}                  d) Selector{Property:Value:}
            13)            CSS button is on the …………………… of KompoZer.
a) Standard toolbar                                      b) Composition toolbar
c) Format toolbar1                                       d) Format toolbar2
            14)            …………… view is selected to see the source code of CSS  Stylesheet.
a) Design                                                        b) Source
c) Split                                                            d) Normal
            15)            ………………. is the disadvantage of CSS.
a) Once CSS is created, it can be used by various elements of HTML
            b) Compatibility varies with different browsers
c) Both of these                                             d) None of these
            16)            ………….. company has developed the JavaScript.
a) Microsoft                                                   b) ORACLE    
            c) Netscape                                                  d) Intel
            17)            JavaScript can be used in for a ……………. in a webpage.
a) interactivity with the user                       b) control the browser
            c) dynamically create HTML content          d) All  of these
            18)            JavaScript is used to validate the data entered in the HTML forms on the ……….. before sending it to the server.
a) Server side                                                b) Client side                      
            c) Both (a) & (b)                                            d) None of these
            19)            Generally it is preferred that the JavaScript code should be placed in the …………… tag.
a) <body>……</body>                                 b) <head>……</head>                 
            c) <title>…….<.title>                                      d) <form>……</form>
            20)            Functions in JavaScript are defined within the …………………… keyword.
a) function                                                   b) class               
            c) main                                                           d) define
            21)            Values given in the function are known as……….
a) arguments                                                 b) parameters                      
            c) Both (a) & (b)                                         d) None of these
            22)            When element such as button or text box becomes active, it is known as …………………… event.
a) active                                                          b) blur                       
            c) focus                                                          d) select
            23)            When user clicks the submit button of the form is known as……………..
a) events                                                       b) event handler                  
c) work                                                           d) process
            24)            …………………… is the false statement(s) in regards of JavaScript.
a) JavaScript is used to improve the design
b) JavaScript contains the advanced programming functionalities of language like C, C++ & Java.
c) JavaScript validates the form
d) Browser like Chrome and Safari support JavaScript
            25)            When mouse pointer is over the particular object/ element, it is known as …………………… event.
a) select                                                          b) mouseover                     
            c) submit                                                        d) load
            26)            …………………… is not an event handler in JavaScript.
a) onclick ( )                                                   b) onsubmit ( )
c) load ( )                                                      d) onfocus ( )
            27)            …………………… means the storage for storing values in JavaScript.
a) variable                                                   b) parameter
      c) Identifier                                                    d) None of these
            28)            …………………… is the builtin function is there to work with numbers in JavaScript.
a) isNum()                                                      b) isNaN ()   
c) notNum ()                                                  d) None of these
            29)            What is website?
a) Collection of files                                      b) Group of directories
c) Interlinked collection of webpages  d) Collection of advertisements
            30)            What kind of information should be there in the website ?
a) Complete and irrelevant                          b) Complete and relevant
c) Incomplete and irrelevant                       d) Complete, irrelevant and unattractive
            31)            What is the advantage of having navigation in the website?
a) Moving from one page to another is easy         b) The user knows where he is
c) Easily get back to home page                  d) All of these
            32)            The website design should scale for the devices like ……….. .
a) Computers                                                 b) Smart phones      
            c) Tablets                                                       d) All of these
            33)            When Javascript is used in the webpage, the details are separated using ..................
a) , (comma)                                                  b) ; (semi colon)
            c) : (colon)                                                     d) # (hash)
            34)            .................. is used to insert a table in KompoZer.
a) Table  Insert Table                                b) Insert  Table   
c) Table  Draw Table                                 d) Insert  Draw Table
            35)            The website should be designed keeping in mind that it is well displayed in all the popular web browser like …………… .
a) Internet Explorer                                     b) Mozilla Firefox     
            c) Google Chrome                                         d) All of these
            36)            Which statement is wrong about the website?
a) It helps in presenting the business to the world
b) It helps in attracting less number of customers
c) It helps in selling the products
d) It helps in promoting the business
            37)            …………. in the website will enable the company to get the maximum amount of traffic, therefore making the maximum amount of profit.
a) Website is interactive                               b) Website is user friendly
c) Website is providing accurate and useful information
d) All of these
            38)            The …………….. of the website is the first page that opens when the user enters the URL address in the address bar of the browser.
a) Home page                                              b) Contact us page   
            c) Main page                                                  d) None of these
            39)            Generally .................. name is given to the home page.
a) Home html                                                 b) index.html          
            c) main.html                                                   d) None of these
            40)            We are converting the data into number by using function ..................
a) Parsfloat ()                                                b) ParseFloat ()     
            c) Parseflot ()                                                d) Parsecarec ()
            41)            Publishing the website is known as ………..
a) Uploading                                                b) Downloading       
            c) Surfing                                                       d) None of these
            42)            ISP stands for ..................
a) Internet Services Product                        b) Internet Service Provider      
            c) Internet Source Product                          d) Internet Source Provider
            43)            FTP stands for ..................
a) File Transfer Procedure                          b) File Transfer Protocol 
            c) Format Transfer Program                       d) None of these
            44)            URL stands for ...................
a) Universal Research Locator                    b) United Resource Location          
            c) Universal Resource Location              d) United Resource Location
            45)            .................. is not the open source IDE for web development.
a) KompoZer                                                 b) Aptana Studio      
            c) Amaya                                                        d) Notepad
            46)            IDE stands for ..................
a) Internet Designing Environment            b) Integrated Designing Environment       
            c) Integrated Development Environment        d) Internet Development Engine
            47)            What is BlueGriffon ?
a) WYSIWYG type general editor                b) WYSIWYG type HTML editor 
            c) A facility for speed calling                        d) One open source communication
            48)            W3C stands for ..................
a) World Wide Web Corporation               b) World Wide Web Console          
            c) World Wide Web Consortium             d) None of these
            49)            .................. is not WYSIWYG type editor.
a) Amaya                                                        b) BlueGriffon          
            c) Aptana Studio                                            d) All of these
            50)            Amaya web editor can be download form ..................
a)                                       b)   
            c)                             d) None of these
            51)            Which of the following is an example for online bookstore?
a) irctc                                                            b) gmail
c) amazon                                                     d) yahoo
            52)            Which of the following is newspaper that exists on the internet in digital form?
a) I-Newspaper                                             b) Internet Newspaper
c) E-Newspaper                                           d) Digital Newspaper
            53)            Which of the following is known as the process of conducting the banking transactions over the internet?
a) Banking Online                                          b) Online Transaction
c) Net banking                                            d) Online Payment
            54)            Which of the following is not an advantage of E-commerce?
a) Lowest Cost                                               b) Conduct Business 24x7
c) Security                                                    d) No geographical limitations
            55)            Which of the following is a disadvantage of E-commerce?
a) Improved customer service                    b) Speed
c) Privacy                                                     d) Conduct Business 24x7
            56)            Which of the following e-commerce business model is also a part of E-governance?
a) Government to Police (G2P)                   b) Government to Company (G2C)
c) Government to Business (G2B)          d) Government to User (G2U)
            57)            The Gujarat Government has developed its own network site:
a)                                        b)
c)                                 d)
            58)            Consumers are individuals in .................. model of E-commerce.
a) B2B                                                            b) B2C
c) C2C                                                             d) G2G
            59)            Which of the following is a good example of C2C E-commerce model?
a) Online Purchasing                                    b) Net Banking
c) Online Auctions                                      d) Information services
            60)            Which of the following E-commerce business model involves reverse auctions where the consumers determine the prices of the products or services?
a) Business to Consumers(B2C)                 b) Government to Government (G2G)
c) Consumers to Business (C2B)             d) Business to Business (B2B)
            61)            .................. is the notices, reminders sent to the customers by the companies or banks.
a) Online billing                                             b) Support Services
c) Information Services                            d) Net Banking
            62)            Which of the following stands for GPS?
a) Global Positioning System b) Global Positioned Satellite
c) Google Positioning Server     d) None of these
            63)            Which of the following refers to buying and selling of goods or services through the use of Internet enabled wireless devices?
a) Internet                                                      b) M-Commerce
            c) M-banking                                                  d) None of these
            64)            Which of the following is the use of technologies which provide the location information for business purpose?
a) E-Commerce                                              b) M-Commerce
            c) L-Commerce                                            d) None of these
            65)            Which of the following security aspect refers to the secrecy of the information so that unauthorized user cannot read it?
a) Confidentiality                                       b) Integrity
            c) Non-repudiation                                       d) Authorization
            66)            Which of the following security aspect ensures that the information must not be accidentally or maliciously altered or tampered in transit?
a) Confidentialiaty                                         b) Integrity
            c) Non-repudiation                                       d) Authorization
            67)            Which of the following security aspect ensures that only authentic users are allowed to use the system?
a) Confidentialiaty                                         b) Integrity
            c) Non-repudiation                                       d) Authorization
            68)            Which ot the following security aspect ensures that the sender of the message cannot deny that he/she has sent the message?
a) Confidentialiaty                                         b) Integrity
            c) Non-repudiation                                     d) Authorization
            69)            Which of the following is a program that uses Internet to record information that passes through a computer or router in transit from sender to receiver?
a) Sniffer                                                       b) Denial of service attack
            c) Malacious code                                         d) Spoofing
            70)            Which of the following is an attack used to shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to its intended users?
a) Malacious code                                         b) Denial of service attack
            c) Spoofing                                                     d) Cyber vandalism
            71)            Which of the following is known as electronic defacing of an existing website page?
a) Cyber vandalism                                    b)  Denial-of-Service
            c) Spoofing                                                     d) Malicious Code
            72)            Which of the following is pretending to be someone you are not, or representing a website as authentic when it is actually a fake
a) Cyber vandalism                                       b)  Denial-of-Service
            c) Spoofing                                                   d) Malicious Code
            73)            Which of the following is a computer program that detects, prevents and takes action to remove the malicious codes like viruses, worms and Trojan horses from the infected system?
a) Antivirus Software                                b) Digital Certificate
            c) Firewall                                                      d) Cryptography
            74)            Which of the following is the transformation of normal text known as  “plain text” into unreadable or secret text known as “cipher text” using encryption algorithm?
a) Firewall                                                      b) Encryption
            c) Antivirus Software                                    d) Digital Certificate
            75)            Which of the following is the transformation of encrypted text back into normal text?
a) Firewall                                                      b) Digital Certificate
            c) Decryption                                              d) Virus
            76)            Which of the following is a protocol used for securing web transactions on the Internet
a) TPC/IP                                                       b) HTTP
            c) Bluetooth                                                   d) SSL
            77)            Who developed SSL protocol?
a) Google                                                        b) Netscape
            c) Yahoo                                                         d) Firefox
            78)            Which of the following starting address indicates that site is secured by SSL protocol?
a) http://                                                        b) ssl://
c) https://                                                    d) http-ssl://
            79)            Which of the following provides the author with a tool to protect his/her original work from being used or taken by others without permission?
a) Trademark                                                b) Copyright
c) Digital watermarking                                d) Steganography
            80)            Which of the following is a specific logo, mark, work, symbol, design, phrase or image which is used by an individual of a company to distinguish a product or service from that of others in the market?
a) Trademark                                              b) Copyright
c) Digital watermarking                                d) Steganography
            81)            Which of the following is the symbol for trademark?
a) TM, MT and C                                            b) TM, MS and ®
c) TM, SM and ®                                         d) TM, SM and (C)
            82)            Which of the following is the process of hiding information within other information?
a) Squatting                                                   b) Steganography
c) Name changing                                         d) Copyright
            83)            Which of the following is a digital code inserted into a digital image, audio or video file which can identify the file’s copyright information?
a) Image mark                                               b) Digital mark
c) Code mark                                                 d) Water mark
            84)            Who issues the credit card and guarantees the payment to the merchant?
a) Merchant                                                   b) Issuing bank
c) Acquiring bank                                          d) Customer
            85)            In object oriented methodology, the focus is on which of the following entities?
a) Data                                                            b) Function
c) Objects                                                     d) All of these
            86)            Which of the following test suits to Java?
a) A procedural programming language    b) An object oriented programming language
c) A Query language                                     d) All of these
            87)            Which of the following is used to distinguish objects from each other?
a) Attributes                                                  b) State
c) Behavior                                                    d) All of these
            88)            Which of the following is used to define common features of similar objects?
a) Class                                                          b) Objects
c) Methods                                                     d) All of these
            89)            Which of the following is not a visibility symbol?
a) ~                                                                 b) *
c) #                                                                 d) -
            90)            Which of the following is provided using encapsulation?
a) Data protection                                      b) Data sharing
c) Separation of data and methods             d) All of these
            91)            Which of the following is enabled by data abstraction?
a) Data protection                                         b) Data hiding
c) Data sharing                                              d) All of these
            92)            With which of the following options polymorphism cannot be achieved?
a) Method overloading                                 b) Operator overloading
c) Data hiding                                              d) All of these
            93)            An aggregation model refers to which of the following relationship?
a) ‘is-a’ relationship                                      b) ‘has-a’ relationship
c) ‘a-part-of’ relationship                         d) All of these
            94)            An inheritance model refers to which of the following relationships?
a) ‘is-a’ relationship                                   b) ‘has-a’ relationship
c) ‘a-part-of’ relationship                             d) All of these
            95)            In class diagram, composition is represented using which of the following symbols?
a) Empty diamond symbol                           b) Filled diamond symbol
c) Empty triangle symbol                             d) Filled triangle symbol
            96)            In class diagram, aggregation is represented using which of the following symbols?
a) Empty diamond symbol                       b) Filled diamond symbol
c) Empty triangle symbol                             d) Filled triangle symbol
            97)            In object oriented terminology, a called to a method is referred to as a ..................
a) Network                                                     b) Message
c) Note                                                            d) Group
            98)            Data abstraction is a concept that says:
a) how it does, but not what it is done       b) what it does, but not how it is done
c) Both (a) & (b)                                            d) None of these
            99)            UML stands for ..................; which is used to creat models of object-oriented software to help with design of an application.
a) Unique Modeling Language                     b) Universal Modeling Language
c) Unified Modeling Language                d) Union Modeling Language
        100)            The purpose of the .................. is to model the static view of an application.

a) class objects                                              b) class diagram
c) class plan                                                   d) class map

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