1)      Storage devices of a computer can be broadly classified into……. Categories.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
2)      ……… storage is temporary.
(a)   Volatile
(b)   Non-volatile
(c)    Movable
(d)   Immovable
3)      In……. storage values stored in variables are lost when a computer is shutdown.
(a)   volatile
(b)   non-volatile
(c)    movable
(d)   immovable
4)      A  java program that stores a value in a….. uses Random Access Memory (RAM).
(a)    cell
(b)   program
(c)    variable
(d)   all of these
5)      Apart from variables,  objects and their references are generally stored in………..
(a)    ROM
(b)   PROM
(c)    RAM
(d)   Hard Disk
6)      Once the program terminates or the computer shuts down, the data is…………..form  RAM>
(a)    stored
(b)   lost
(c)     available
(d)   Accessible
7)      ……. storage is permanent storage.
(a)    Volatile
(b)   Non-volatile
(c)    Movable
(d)   Immovable
8)      Data is not……. When a computer loses power in a Non-volatile storage.
(a)    stored
(b)   lost
(c)    available
(d)   accessible
9)      When a java  program Is saved on a disk, it is using…….. storage.
(a)    temporary
(b)   provisional
(c)    conditional
(d)   permanent
10)  A computer……… is a collection of data stored on a non-volatile device.
(a)   file
(b)   desktop
(c)    directory
(d)   device
11)  ………..exist on permanent storage devices, such as hard disks, USB drives, optical disks and compact discs.
(a)   Files
(b)   Manuals
(c)    Directories
(d)   Devices
12)  Data stored in files is often called……… data.
(a)    text
(b)   persistent
(c)    informative
(d)   binary
13)  Files can be further classified broadly into ……….categories.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
14)  ………files contain data that can be read In a text editor.
(a)   Text
(b)   Manuscript
(c)    Memo
(d)   Binary
15)  In the ………files the data has been encoded using a scheme such as  ASCII or Unicode.
(a)   text
(b)   memo
(c)    information
(d)   binary
16)  ………. files can be data files that contain facts, such as payroll file that contains employee numbers, names and salaries.
(a)    Binary
(b)   Memo
(c)    Program
(d)   Text
17)  Some………..files  can be program files or application files that store software instructions.
(a)    binary
(b)   memo
(c)    program
(d)   text
18)  ………….are examples of editors through which text files can be created.
(a)    gedit
(b)   vi
(c)    pico
(d)   all of these
19)  The  extensions of the files created through the above editor can have an extension like …………
(a)    txt
(b)   java
(c)    c
(d)   All of these
20)  …………. Files contain data that has not been encoded as text.
(a)   Binary
(b)   Memo
(c)    Informative
(d)   Text
21)  The contents of a…… files are in binary format, which means the data is accessed in terms of bytes.
(a)   binary
(b)   memo
(c)    informative
(d)   text
22)  The binary files extensions example are…………..
(a)    jpeg
(b)   mp3
(c)    class
(d)   all of these
23)  Java language supports various operations that can be performed on file or no………….
(a)    programs
(b)   attributes
(c)    directories
(d)   queries
24)  ………….. operations that can be performed  on files using java programs.
(a)    Determining the path of a file or a directory
(b)   Opening a file
(c)    Writing to a file
(d)   All of these
25)  ………operations that can be performed on files using java programs.
(a)    Reading from a file
(b)   Closing or deleting a file
(c)    Querying the attributes of file
(d)   All of these
26)  Java provides built-in……… that contain methods to help with the tasks related to files.
(a)    variables
(b)   packages
(c)    classes
(d)   devices
27)  The java classes are present in package.
(a)    java.bytes.
(c)    java.util
(d)   java.method
28)  Java uses the concepts of ……… file handling.
(a)    file systems
(b)   streams
(c)    packages
(d)   classes
29)  Java provides ………..different  categories of java classes to perform I/O operations on bytes and characters.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
30)  Which of the following is not a Binary file extension ?
(a)    jpeg
(b)   mp3
(c)    class
(d)   txt
31)  Which of the following is not a text file extension ?
(a)    txt
(b)   java
(c)    jpeg
(d)   c
32)  The….. class encapsulates information about the properties of a file or a directory.
(b)   java.oi.file
33)  ………class can be used to access attributes of files and directors.
(a)   File
(b)   I/O
(c)    java
(d)   util
34)  A programmer can do……..a file or a directory.
(a)    create
(b)   rename
(c)    delete
(d)   all of these
35)  The……… of a file can also be accessed like its permissions, length of a file or last modification time.
(a)    features
(b)   attributes
(c)    qualities
(d)   traits
36)  the…… creation of a file object that belongs to ……..class does not imply that the file or directory exists.
(a)   file
(b)   I/O
(c)    java
(d)   util
37)  A file ………… encapsulates a  pathname or reference to a physical file or a directory on the hard disk.
(a)    method
(b)   class
(c)    object
(d)   handler
38)  There are nearly ……….. that can be used to perform various operations on a file or a directory.
(a)    25 methods
(b)   30 methods
(c)    35 methods
(d)   20  methods
39)  ………….. does not provide any methods to read from a file or write into a file.
(a)   File class
(b)   File methods
(c)    File object
(d)   File operator
40)  There are several …………classes to perform to read from a file or write into a file.
(a)    file
(b)   stream
(c)    package
(d)   object
41)  By using the file class, one can create a……….. to any file by providing its absolute path in string format or by providing the relative path.
(a)    location
(b)   reference
(c)    stream
(d)   object
42)  The file class provides……….constructors to refer a file or a directory.
(a)    File (String path)
(b)   File (String directory_path, String file_name)
(c)    File (File directory, String file_name)
(d)   All of these
43)  In Linux, “passwd” file is present in………. directory stores the information of the users existing in the system.
(a)   “/etc”
(b)   “/pwd”
(c)    “/file”
(d)   “/dir”
44)  Suppose one wants to display its attributes, then its java file object can be created using ……….ways.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
45)  …………method of file class returns true if the file or directory exists, otherwise returns false.
(a)   boolean exists (  )
(b)   boolean isFile (  )
(c)    boolean isDirectory  (  )
(d)   boolean isHidden (  )
46)  ………..method of file class returns true if  the file exists, otherwise returns false.
(a)    boolean exists  (  )
(b)   boolean isFile ( )
(c)    boolean isDirectory (  )
(d)   boolean isHidden(  )
47)  ……….method of file class returns true if the directory exists, otherwise false.
(a)    boolean exists(  )
(b)   boolean isFile(  )
(c)    boolean isDirectory(  )
(d)   boolean isHidden(  )
48)  ………… method of file class returns true if the file of directory is hidden.
(a)    boolean exists (  )
(b)   boolean isFile(  )
(c)    boolean isDirectroy(  )
(d)   boolean isHidden(  )
49)  ………..method of file class returns the absolute path of the file exists or directory.
(a)    String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )
50)  …………method of file class returns the name of the file or directory referred by the object.
(a)    String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )
51)  ………..method of file class returns the path to the file or directory.
(a)    String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )
52)  ……….method of file class returns the name of the files and directories in a directory.
(a)   String [  ] list (  )
(b)   String getPath (  )
(c)    String getName (  )
(d)   String getAbsolutePath (  )
53)  …………method of file class returns the number of bytes in that file.
(a)   Long length( )
(b)   File [ ] listFiles ( )
(c)    Both (a) and (c)
(d)   None of these
54)  ………… method of file class returns an array of abstract pathnames denoting the files in the directory.
(a)    Long length (  )
(b)   File [ ] listFiles(  )
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
55)  ……….method to list the files  present in a directory.
(a)    display ()
(b)   list(  )
(c)    dir()
(d)   files()
56)  To modify a file or display the contents of a file, the concept of…….. has to be understood.
(a)    files
(b)   streams
(c)    packages
(d)   objects
57)  Java uses……classes to carry out read and write operations on files.
(a)    files
(b)   streams
(c)     packages
(d)   Objects
58)  ………is an input device.
(a)    Monitor
(b)   Speaker
(c)    Keyboard
(d)   Plotter
59)  ………is an output device.
(a)   Monitor
(b)   Speaker
(c)    Keyboard
(d)   Plotter
60)  ……….can be classified as both input and output device as data can be stored and read from the files.
(a)    Monitor
(b)   Speaker
(c)    Keyboard
(d)   Hard disk
61)  …………..are manufactured by various companies and come with different storage capacities like 500GB or 1TB.
(a)    Monitor
(b)   Speaker
(c)    Keyboard
(d)   Hard disk
62)  ………..can be connected using different cables like USB or SATA.
(a)   Hard disk
(b)   Scanner
(c)    Printer
(d)   Mouse
63)  A  java programmer does not need to worry about the technical details like type of………. Or its capacity while developing a program to perform read / write operations over the files.
(a)   hard disk
(b)   scanner
(c)    printer
(d)   mouse
64)  The above point is possible because java language provides functionality of……
(a)    files
(b)   streams
(c)    directories
(d)   objects
65)  A……… is an abstract representation of an input or output device that is used as a source or destination for data.
(a)    file
(b)   directory
(c)    stream
(d)   disk
66)  Visualize a…….. as a sequence of bytes that flows into the program or that flows out of the program.
(a)    file
(b)   directory
(c)    stream
(d)   disk
67)  One can write data or read data using………..
(a)    files
(b)   streams
(c)    directories
(d)   objects
68)  When data Is written to stream, the stream is called an……… .
(a)   output stream
(b)   input stream
(c)    I/O stream
(d)   Both (a) and (b)
69)  The ……… can transfer data from the  program to a file on a hard disk or a monitor or to some other computer over the network.
(a)   output stream
(b)   input stream
(c)    I/O stream
(d)   Both (a) and (b)
70)  An……… is used to read data form an external device to the program.
(a)    output stream
(b)   input stream
(c)    I/O stream
(d)   Both (a) and (b)
71)  ………can transfer data from keyboard or from the file on a hard disk to the program.
(a)    Output stream
(b)   Input stream
(c)    I/O stream
(d)   Both (a) and (b)
72)  The main reason for using streams for input or output operations is to make our program independent of the………involved.
(a)    hard Disks
(b)   keyboards
(c)    printers
(d)   devices
73)  ………is advantage of using streams.
(a)    Programmer does not need to worry about the technical details of the device.
(b)   The program can work for a variety of input/output devices without any changes to the source code.
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
74)  To understand byte streams and character streams, one needs to differentiate between character and byte…………….
(a)   representation
(b)   collection
(c)    numbers
(d)   particulars
75)  If ‘5’ is represented as a character, its ASCII value will be…. .
(a)    51
(b)   52
(c)    53
(d)   54
76)  If ‘5’ is represented as a character, its binary representation will be…… .
(a)    53
(b)   5
(c)    101
(d)   00110101
77)  If ‘5’ is represented as a binary number, then its binary representation will  be………
(a)    53
(b)   5
(c)    five
(d)   101
78)  If ‘5’ is represented as a binary number, then its binary representation will be………… .
(a)   00000101
(b)   11001100
(c)    10101100
(d)   11111000
79)  A character is generally stored using  ASCII or Unicode format but when it is used for calculation purpose but when it is used for calculation purpose and then it’s  ……..value is meaningful.
(a)   binary
(b)   actual
(c)    objective
(d)   text
80)  In the statement int I = 32, the……… is true.
(a)    Declares ‘i’ as an integer type variable
(b)   That ‘i’ stores number 32.
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
81)  The number 32 can be represented as two separate…….. ‘3’  and ‘2’.
(a)    numbers
(b)    values
(c)    characters
(d)   all of these
82)  For numerical calculations, data types like int, float or double are used, that allows storing the numbers in…………format.
(a)    numbers
(b)   text
(c)    character
(d)   binary
83)  Java supports two types of streams,…………. Streams and …….stream.
(a)    byte
(b)   character
(c)    both (a) and (b)
(d)   none of these
84)  ………transfer data in the form of bytes to the file or devices are known as byte stream of binary stream.
(a)   Streams
(b)   Files
(c)    Data flow
(d)   Commands
85)  The files that are created using……… stream are known as binary files.
(a)   byte
(b)   character
(c)    both (a) and (b)
(d)   none of these
86)  If variables are to be stores like integer, double or Boolean into a file, then ……..files should be used.
(a)    byte
(b)   text
(c)    character
(d)   binary
87)  ……..files can also be used to store arrays or objects.
(a)    Byte
(b)   Text
(c)    Character
(d)   Binary
88)  Similarly text files and program codes are created using………. stream.
(a)    byte
(b)   character
(c)    both (a) and (b)
(d)   none of these
89)  Text files and program codes can be opened in text editors like vi and SciTE.
(a)    SciTE
(b)   vi
(c)    Both (a) & (b)
(d)   None of these
90)  Java provides ……….set of classes, character stream class and binary stream class.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
91)  Character Stream classes are present in package deal with the……….. text data.
(a)    byte
(b)   character
(c)    both (a) and (b)
(d)   none of these
92)  Java streams can be classified into…….. basic types.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
93)  Java streams are namely input stream and ………stream.
(a)    stream
(b)    byte
(c)    output
(d)   character
94)  The……….. stream reads data from the source (file, keyboard(D)
(a)    stream
(b)   byte
(c)    output
(d)   character
95)  The……… stream writes data to the  destination (file,output deveice).
(a)    stream
(b)   byte
(c)    output
(d)   character
96)  The…….. package contains a collection or stream classes that support reading and writing in a file.
(a)   java. io
(b)   java.package
(c)    java.utill
(d)   all of these
97)  ………… classes are a group of classes available in java. io package.
(a)    Input
(b)   Byte
(c)    Output
(d)   Character
98)  Character stream classes can be used to read and write………. Unicode characters.
(a)    8bit
(b)   16bit
(c)    32bit
(d)   65bit
99)  …… classes can be further classified into reader and writer classes.
(a)    Input
(b)   Byte
(c)    Output
(d)   Character
100)       …………classes are a group of classes designed to read characters from files.
(a)    Writer
(b)   Reader
(c)    Output
(d)   Input
101)       The……… classes are a group of classes designed to write characters into a file.
(a)   writer
(b)   reader
(c)    character
(d)   byte
102)       Writer classes are inherited from the………… class.
(a)   object
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   character
103)       Writer classes are…………classes (classes that cannot be used to create an object) and come with set of methods to be implemented by its subclasses.
(a)    intellectual
(b)   abstract
(c)    byte
104)       InputStreamReader and BufferedReader are  the subclass of……class.
(a)    object
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   character
105)       ………….class is the subclass of InputStreamReader class.
(a)   FileReader
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    FileJava
(d)   JavaFile
106)       OutputStream Writer, bufferedWriter and printWriter are the subclasses of ……….class.
(a)    object
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   character
107)       FileWriter class is the….. of OutputStream Writer class.
(a)    superclass
(c)    subclass
(d)   baseclass
108)       Writer class is the ………… for writing a character stream.
(a)    superclass
(b)   sub.oi
(c)    subclass
(d)   baseclass
109)       The abstract …………class defines the functionality that is available for all character output stream.
(a)    object
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   character
110)       Methods of………….class are used by its subclasses.
(a)   writer
(b)   object
(c)    reader
(d)   character
111)       The writer method…………. Closes the stream.
(a)    void writer(int C)
(b)   void close()
(c)    void writer (String s)
(d)   All of these
112)       The writer method ………….writers string ‘s’ to the stream.
(a)    void writer(int C)
(b)   void close()
(c)    void writer (String s)
(d)   All of these
113)       The writer method……… writes the lower 16 bits of ‘c’ to the stream.
(a)   void writer(int C)
(b)   void close()
(c)    void writer (String s)
(d)   All of these
114)       The OutputStream…….. class extends Writer class.
(a)   writer
(b)   object
(c)    reader
(d)   character
115)       The……. Converts stream of characters to a stream of bytes.
(a)    InputStream
(b)   OutputStream
(c)    ReaderStream
(d)   WriterStream
116)       The FileWriter class extends …………Writer and outputs characters to a file.
(a)    InputStream
(b)   OutputStream
(c)    ReaderStream
(d)   WriterStream
117)       The FileWriter class has……… constructor which throws IOException
(a)    FileWriter (String filepath)
(b)   FileWriter (File fileobj)
(c)    FileWriter (String filepath, Boolean append)
(d)   All of these
118)       Which of the following constructor is of FileWriter Class ?
(a)   FileWriter (String filepath)
(b)   FileWriter (File fileobj)
(c)    FileWriter (String filepath, Boolean append)
(d)   All of these
119)       In the constructor “………”. If append is true, characters are appended to the end of file, otherwise the existing contents of the file are overwritten.
(a)    FileWriter (String filepath)
(b)   FileWriter (File fileobj)
(c)    FileWriter (String filepath, Boolean append)
(d)   None of these
120)       In the following example an object of……. Can be created.
FileWriterfwobject = new FileWriter (“/java/files/Charfile1.txt”);
(a)    FileStream
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    FileReader
(d)   FileDemo
121)       It is important to close the stream…….. after writing to a file is accomplished.
(a)   object
(b)   reader
(c)    file
(d)   directory
122)       ……………files consume system resources and depending on the file mode.
(a)    Closed
(b)   Large
(c)    Small
(d)   Open
123)       …………..class Is the base class for reading a character stream.
(a)    Object
(b)   Reader
(c)    File
(d)   Directory
124)       The abstract……..class defines the functionality that is available for all character input streams.
(a)    object
(b)   reader
(c)    file
(d)   directory
125)       ………….class should be use in program to  perform read operations.
(a)    FileStream
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    FileReader
(d)   FileDemo
126)       …………method of  Reader class closes the stream.
(a)   void close ()
(b)   int read()
(c)    void read()
(d)   None of these
127)       …………..method of reader class, reads next available character from the stream, it returns “-1” to indicate the end of stream.
(a)    void close ()
(b)   int read()
(c)    void read()
(d)   None of these
128)       The InputSTreamReader class extends ………..class.
(a)    stream
(b)   writer
(c)    reader
(d)   demo
129)       ………..class converts a stream of bytes to a stream of characters.
(a)    Stream
(b)   Writer
(c)    Reader
(d)   Demo
130)       The……….. class extends InputStramReader class and reads characters from a file.
(a)    FileStream
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    FileReader
(d)   FileDemo
131)       Which of the following is a FileReader constructor ?
(a)    FileReader (Strign filepath)
(b)   FileReader (File fileobj)
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   None of these
132)       Which of the following is not a FileReader constructor ?
(a)    FileReader (String filepath)
(b)   FileReader (File fileobj)
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   FileReader (I, int j)
133)       In the following example – an object of …….. can be created.
FileReader  frobject = new FileReader (“/java/files/Charfile1.txt”);
(a)   FileReader
(b)   FileWriter
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   FileDemo
134)       ………….is a special symbol to identify end of file.
(a)    /*    */
(b)   EOF
(c)    //
(d)   }
135)       ……… a special symbol to identify end of file.
(a)   program
(b)   code
(c)    class
(d)   method
136)       The java……..method returns “-1” to identify the end of data in the  stream.
(a)    close()
(b)   read()
(c)    print()
(d)   write()
137)       The………. and ……….. classes in the package, give the ability to read and write from and into files in the disk.
(a)    FileInputStream
(b)   FileOutputStream
(c)    FileReaderStream
(d)   Both (a) and (b)
138)       The above mentioned streams are the sub-classes of……….. and ………classes.
(a)    ReaderStream
(b)   InputStream
(c)    OutputStream
(d)   Both (b) and (c)
139)       The file……… is a subclass of OutputStream class closes the file output stream and release any system resources associated with the stream.
(a)    ReaderStream
(b)   InputStream
(c)    OutputStream
(d)   Both (b) and (c)
140)       ………method of FileOut[itStream class closes the file output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
(a)    void write (int b)
(b)   void  close ()
(c)    void write (byte[] b)
(d)   void write (byte[] b)
141)       …………..method of FileOutputStream class writes the specified byte to this file output stream.
(a)   void write (int b)
(b)   void  close ()
(c)    void write (byte[] b)
(d)   void write (byte[] b)
142)       …………..method of FileOutputStream class writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this file output stream.
(a)    void write(int b)
(b)   void close()
(c)    void writer(byte[] b)
(d)   void read()
143)       The constructors of………..can accept either a string containing the path to the file location or an object of the file class.
(a)   FileOutputStream
(b)   FileInputStream
(c)    FileReaderStream
(d)   FileConstructor
144)       The constructor FileOutputStream (String name) throws…………..
(a)    FileOutofBoundsException
(b)   FileNotFoundException
(c)    FileFoundException
(d)   None of these
145)       The constructor FileOutputStream (File file) throws…….. .
(a)   FileOutofBoundsException
(b)   FileNotFoundException
(c)    FileFoundException
(d)   None of these
146)       The following example will create an instance of……….
FileOutputStreamfosobject = new
FileOutputStream (“/home/Akash/myfile.txt”);
(a)   FileOutputStream
(b)   FileInputStream
(c)    FileReaderStream
(d)   FileConstructor
147)       The……. Is  a subclass of InputStream and is generally used to read byte data from the files.
(a)    FileInputStream
(b)   FileReaderStream
(c)    FileWriterStream
(d)   FileOutputStream
148)       ………….method of FileInputStream class reads a byte of data from this input stream.
(a)    void close (  )
(b)   int read(byte[ ] b)
(c)    int read ( )
(d)   void write ()
149)       ……………..method of FileInputStream class closes the file input Stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
(a)   void  close (  )
(e)     int read(byte[ ] b)
(f)    int read ( )
(b)   void write ()
150)       ……………. Method of FileInputStream class reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
(a)    void close(  )
(b)   int read (byte[ ] b)
(c)    int read (  )
(d)   void write (  )
151)       A………….. can get input from live interaction through keyboard /GUI or it may take input as command line arguments or from the files.
(a)   program
(b)   code
(c)    class
(d)   method
152)       …………..class belongs to the java.util package.
(a)    Printer
(b)   Console
(c)    Scanner
(d)   Keyboard
153)       It provides various methods to real input from the……or from the file.
(a)    printer
(b)   console
(c)    scanner
(d)   keyboard
154)       A special feature of this class is that it breaks the input string into tokens (words) using  a……..
(a)    delimiter
(b)   printer
(c)     console
(d)   White space
155)       ……………is the default delimiter.
(a)    Delimiter
(b)   Printer
(c)    Console
(d)   White space
156)       Each………. Can be of different type, for example a  string  like  “india-1947” can also be read as “String-int” values.
(a)    symbol
(b)   token
(c)    word
(d)   mark
157)       which of the following is not a scanner related constructor of method ?
(a)    scanner (String str)
(b)   scanner (inputStream isobject)
(c)    scanner (file fobject)
(d)   scanner (files i)
158)       A………. object can be created from a strng, file object or inputStream object.
(a)    Printer
(b)   Console
(c)    Scanner
(d)   Keyboard
159)       The method …….of scanner class closes the scanner.
(a)    Void  close()
(b)   String next()
(c)    Boolean has next()
(d)   Int  nextitn()
160)       The method ……..of scanner class returns the next token.
(a)    Void  close()
(b)   String next()
(c)    Boolean has next()
(d)   Int  nextitn()
161)       The method …….of scanner class scan the next token of the input as Int.
(a)   Void  close()
(b)   String next()
(c)    Boolean has next()
(a)    Int  nextitn()
162)       The method…….of scanner class scans the next token of the input as int.
(a)    Void  close()
(b)   String next()
(c)    Boolean has next()
(d)   Int  nextitn()
163)       The method……… of scanner class scans the next token of the input as Float.
(a)   float nextFloat (  )
(b)    string next( )
(c)    Boolean hasNext()
(d)   String nextline ( )
164)       The method……… of scanner class scans the next token of the input as line.
(a)    float nextFloat (  )
(b)   string next( )
(c)    Boolean hasNext()
(d)   String nextline ( )
165)       ………..class can also be used  to read from a file.
(a)    Printer
(b)   Console
(c)    Scanner
(d)   Keyboard
166)       The………… class is especially used when the input is to be types in hidden form (characters must not be echoed on the screen.)
(a)    Printer
(b)   Console
(c)    Scanner
(d)   keyboard
167)       The…….class provides a method for reading password.
(a)    Printer
(b)   Console
(c)    Scanner
(d)   Keyboard
168)       The console class belong to….. package.
(b)   Java.util
(c)    Java.class
(d)   Java.console
169)       ………..method of Console class is used to write a formatted string to this console’ output stream using the specified format string and arguments.
(a)    String readLine( )
(b)   char [  ] readPassword ( )
(c)    Console printef(String format, Object args)
(d)   None of these
170)       …………method of Console class reads a single line of text from the console.
(a)   String readLine ( )
(b)    char [  ] readPassword ( )
(c)    Console printef(String format, Object args)
(d)   None of these
171)       ………method of Console class reads a password or passphrase from the console with echoing disable.
(a)    String readLine ( )
(b)    char [  ] readPassword ( )
(c)    Console printef(String format, Object args)
(a)    None of these
172)       Scanner class is used for performing which of the following operations ?
(a)   Read from a file
(b)   Navigate through a file
(c)    Scan a file
(d)   All of these
173)       Which of the following is correct syntax ?
(a)    Public static void main (String args[])
(b)   Public static void main (String args)
(c)    Public static void main (String args[])

(d)   Public static void main (String args[])

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