Chap : 12
1)      To use…………… there is a requirement of LaTeX distribution (software).
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
2)      Most LaTex distriubution software includes ………..and some additional software in them.
(a)   TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
3)      TeX Live is a very popular LaTex distribution software which is available in the standard ……repositories.
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
4)      While using LaTex, there is also a need for plain…………editor and software to view the output file.
(a)   text
(b)   transcript
(c)    script
(d)   word
5)      LaTeX can produce output in different file………….
(a)     arrangements
(b)   formats
(c)    editors
(d)   software’s
6)      depending on the output of file……….. corresponding viewer software is needed.
(a)    arrangements
(b)   formats
(c)    editors
(d)   software’s
7)      LaTeX documents are typically created using any plain……… editor.
(a)   text
(b)   transcript
(c)    script
(d)   word
8)      ………….are examples of plain text editors.
(a)    Gedit
(b)   SciTE
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)   none of these
9)      The different parts of the text are marked using………….. commands that associated a meaning to them.
(a)   LaTeX
(b)   Simple
(c)    TeX
(d)   HTML
10)  ………….command is used to define the document’s title.
(a)   \title
(b)   \author
(c)    \date
(d)   \document
11)  ……….command is used to specify the author(s) of the document.
(a)    \title
(b)   \author
(c)    \date
(d)   \document
12)  ……….command is used to specify the date the document was created.
(a)    \title
(b)   \author
(c)    \date
(d)   \document
13)  …………… command can be used to explicitly specify the logical structure of the document.
(a)    \chapter
(b)   \section
(c)    \paragraph
(d)   \all of these
14)  LaTeX comes with ……..ways to format these document elements in a pleasant looking professional style.
(a)    integrated
(b)   built-in
(c)    many
(d)   incorporated
15)  When typing the document, one can see it as plain……….text with the built-in commands written as part of the text.
(a)   unformatted
(b)   formatted
(c)    in-line
(d)   none of these
16)  The document is compiled (processed) using the LaTeX…………and an output file is produced.
(a)    organization
(b)    commands
(c)    system
(d)   document
17)  While compilation, LaTeX can also produce some  additional
(a)    records
(b)   archives
(c)    files
(d)   directories
18)  The produced additional files can be ……..safely without losing any information .
(a)    read
(b)   deleted
(c)    saved
(d)   documented
19)  When the output file is viewed using appropriate software or print it on a printer, one can see the………….. document.
(a)    unformatted
(b)   formatted
(c)    in-line
(d)   none of these
20)  In the output file, if the looks of the document are not satisfactory , it can be further…..with the help of built-in styles or own styles can be defined.
(a)    adapted
(b)   formatted
(c)    modified
(d)   customized
21)  Every time a modification is made in the…….. text, there will be a need to compile it again for seeing the effect of the change in the output  document.
(a)   source
(b)   basic
(c)    beginning
(d)   main
22)  both Tex and LaTeX use the file extension…………
(a)    .text
(b)   .tex
(c)    .txe
(d)   .latex
23)  LaTeX has a command called………..that produces the popular PDF format files.
(a)    PDFtex
(b)   pdflatex
(c)    PDF
(d)   latexpdf
24)   Full form of PDF is…….
(a)    perfect document format
(b)   portable double format
(c)    portable document format
(d)   perfect deed format
25)  …..files can be viewed on screen as well as printed to printers and the printout looks exactly same as the monitor display.
(a)   PDF
(b)   LaTeX
(c)    Text
(d)   TeX
26)  PDF files are very popular for sharing…………… document on the web.
(a)    producible
(b)   printable
(c)    printed
(d)   scanned
27)  PDF documents can be viewed in………..default viewer.
(a)    TeX’s
(b)   SciTE’s
(c)    LaTex’s
(d)   Ubuntu’s
28)  Ubhuntu’s document default viewer is………….
(a)   evince
(b)   LaTeX
(c)    Evine
(d)   all of these
29)  The edit-compiler-view cycle has……steps.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
30)  The LaTeX document can be compiled by issuing the command…… the command prompt.
(a)   gedit
(b)   word
(c)    wordpad
(d)   getit
31)  The LaTeX document can be compiled by issuing the command ………at the command prompt.
(a)   pdflated filename
(b)   PDF filename
(c)    latexpdf filename
(d)   filename pdflatex
32)  The generated PDF file can be viewed  by opening it from the……..
(a)    Desktop
(b)   GUI
(c)    Adobe
(d)   latex
33)  The generated pdf file can also be viewed by issuing the command ………pdf filename at the  command prompt.
(a)   evince
(b)   latex
(c)    evine
(d)   all  of the these
34)  sciTE editor can be also be used for editing………. files.
(a)    evience
(b)   latex
(c)    basic
(d)   gedit
35)  SciTE has one advantage over…… can compile and view the document from within the SciTE program itself.
(a)    evience
(b)   latex
(c)    basic
(d)   gedit
36)  To use scite with pdflatex, there is a need to make changes in its……file.
(a)    document
(b)   PDF
(c)    configuration
(d)   LaTeX
37)  LaTeX is essentially a …….language.
(a)   markup
(b)   highlighted
(c)    object oriented
(d)   simple
38)  the LaTeX source consists of plain text with  some parts fo the text marked up using markers known as…….
(a)    instructions
(b)   commands
(c)    guidelines
(d)   direction
39)  In LaTeX, some ……….. are independent commands –they do not mark any specific part of the text.
(a)    instructions
(b)   commands
(c)    guidelines
(d)   direction
40)  The LaTeX commands can perform a variety of tasks when the ……is processed by the LaTeX system
(a)    organization
(b)   file
(c)    system
(d)   document
41)  The LaTeX commands provide  information about the text or the………
(a)    organization
(b)   file
(c)    system
(d)   document
42)  the LaTeX commands indicate the role of the marked text in the overall structure of the marked text in the overall structure of the ………
(a)    organization
(b)   file
(c)    system
(d)   document
43)  The LaTeX commands directly specify …………… ,
(a)   formatting
(b)   information
(c)    data
(d)   file name
44)  the LaTeX …….instuct LaTeX to process the document in a cetain way, for example, use a certain page size, start a new chapter only on an odd-numbered page, etc.
(a)    instructions
(b)   commands
(c)    guidelines
(d)   directions
45)  LaTeX commands start with a ….character followed by the command name.
(a)    / (forward slash)
(b)   %(percentage)
(c)    \ (backslash)
(d)   ^ (caret)
46)  The LaTeX command name can be a……fo alphabetic letters only, or it can be a single non-letter.
(a)    string
(b)   sequence
(c)    series
(d)     chain
47)  LaTeX commands are………sensitive.
(a)    event
(b)   case
(c)    instance
(d)   example
48)  some commands accept additional information which of called………
(a)    examples
(b)   data info
(c)    arguments
(d)   instances
49)  There are two types of…….optional and compulsory.
(a)    examples
(b)   data info
(c)    arguments
(d)   instances
50)  ……… arguments are not mandatory.
(a)   Optional
(b)   Compulsory
(c)    Instance
(d)   Event
51)  If one or more optional arguments are to be provided,they have to be written after the command name, enclosed in……….
(a)   [ ] square brackets)
(b)   “” (quotes)
(c)    <> (angular brackets)
(d)   {} (curly brackets)
52)  more than one optianl argument has to be separated by………….
(a)    (:) colon
(b)   (,) comma
(c)    (;) semi colon
(d)   (^) caret)
53)  Mandatory arguments (if ther aere any ) have to be enclosed in in…………..
(a) [ ] square brackets)
(e)    “” (quotes)
(f)    <> (angular brackets)
(g)   {} (curly brackets)
54)  documentclass ins the…….tof the command.
(a)   name
(b)   optional argument
(c)    compulsory argument
(d)   none of these
55)  12pt is an……….. argument.
(a)    name
(b)   optional
(c)    compulsory
(d)   all of these
56)  Article is a…….argument.
(a)    name
(b)   optional
(c)    compulsory
(d)   all of these
57)  LaTeX tresats all ……..characters ( the space, tab and newline characters) as the same.
(a)    special
(b)   space
(c)    line
(d)   whitespace
58)  Latex converts all occurrences of multiple consecutive ……..into a single space character.
(a)    special
(b)   space
(c)    line
(d)   whitespage
59)  the………at the beginning of a line are generally ignored and one of more consecutive blank lines are considered to mark the beginning of  a new paragraph.
(a)    special
(b)   space
(c)    line
(d)   whitespace
60)  to insert a break In lines use……….at the end of each line except the last line in the paragraph.
(a)   \\
(b)   ||
(c)    //
(d)   !!
61)  ………… called the line break command..
(a)    \\
(b)   ||
(c)    //
(d)   !!
62)  Which of the following characters is not a reserved character in LaTaX ?
(a)    #
(b)   &
(c)    !
(d)   $
63)  Which of the following is a reserved character in LaTeX ?
(a)    #
(b)   $
(c)    %
(d)   All of these
64)  In LaTeX, ………….quotes are produced by repeating them twice.
(a)    single
(b)   double
(c)    sets
(d)   collections
65)  LaTeX, uses……… mark oprtions of text.
(a)    clusters
(b)   groups
(c)    sets
(d)   collections
66)  A………… enclosed between curly braces { and}.
(a)    cluster
(b)   group
(c)    set
(d)   collection
67)  Any……… a group applies only to text following the command within that group.
(a)    instruction
(b)   command
(c)    guideline
(d)   direction
68)  …….are useful for applying few commands to a small amount of text such as a part of a line, few lines or a paragraph.
(a)    Clusters
(b)   Groups
(c)    Sets
(d)   Collections
69)  For the cases when a multitude of commands must be applied (for example, for foramtiign a table of mathematical equation properly) or where some command(s) have to be applied to large portions of the text (like several paragraphs, whoel section), LaTeX provides a facility called……… .
(a)    grouping
(b)   printing
(c)    environments
(d)   sections
70)  an……… begins with a \begin { environment-name} command and ends with a \end{environment –name} command.
(a)    area
(b)   extent
(c)    envioronment
(d)   section
71)  All the formatting characteristics of the…….. are applied to the entire text inside the environment.
(a)    area
(b)   extent
(c)    environment
(d)   section
72)  Environments can be nested. One………..can be nested inside another.
(a)    area
(b)   extent
(c)    environment
(d)   section
73)  LaTeX has several advanced features, including …..and automatically generating parts of the documents or multiple documents (mall marge).
(a)   programming
(b)   designing
(c)    planning
(d)   all of these
74)  In LaTeX, the ………character marks the beginning of a commant.
(a)    #
(b)   %
(c)    @
(d)   $
75)  ………….are meant for the humans who read the LaTeX source code in a text editor for understanding and modifying it.
(a)   Comments
(b)   Notes
(c)    Explanations
(d)   Remarks
76)  ………are completely ignored by the compilation process and hence never make it into the output.
(a)   Comments
(b)   Notes
(c)    Explanations
(d)   Remarks
77)  A LaTex document has…….parts namely preamble and content.
(a)    one
(b)   two
(c)    three
(d)   four
78)  The……… contaisn metadata (data about data)
(a)    main content
(b)   information
(c)    preamble
(d)   remarks
79)  The…….is information about the document and instructions on two Latex should process the document.
(a)    actual content
(b)   information
(c)    preamble
(d)   metadata
80)  Te actual content is always inside the………document, written between \begin ( document) and \end{document}.
(a)    area
(b)   extent
(c)    environment
(d)   section
81)  The very first element in the……must be \documetclass {document –class-name} specifying the type of the document.
(a)    main content
(b)   information
(c)    preamble
(d)   remarks
82)  Option “article” in document class is used for writing individual ………….
(a)   articles
(b)   books
(c)    slides
(d)   letters
83)  option “book” In document class is used for writing entire……….
(a)    articles
(b)   books
(c)    slides
(d)   letters
84)  option “slides” In document class is used for creating presentation…….
(e)    articles
(f)    books
(g)   slides
(h)   letters
85)  option “letter” In document class is used for writing……….
(i)     articles
(j)     books
(k)   slides
(l)     letters
86)  option……….in document class is used for generating presentations using beamer package.
(a)    articles
(b)   books
(c)    slides
(d)   letters
87)  …………..points is the default font size in the document.
(a)    12
(b)   11
(c)    10
(d)   14
88)  The most common paper… regular office uses are A4, letter and legal.
(a)   sizes
(b)   dimensions
(c)    scopes
(d)   extent
89)  With option……….. displayed formulas and equations are flushed left( left-aligned).
(a)    fleq
(b)   fleqn
(c)    formula
(d)   forleft
90)  the default alignment of formulas and equation is………..
(a)    Left
(b)   Right
(c)    center
(d)   justified
91)  the……… option changes the layout of the document to print in landscape mode.
(a)    portrait
(b)   landscape
(c)    vertical
(d)   horizontal
92)  the document class declaration is followed by optional ……………declaration.
(a)   package
(b)   class
(c)    variable
(d)   formula
93)  LaTeX allows users to write……that provide additional functionality.
(a)    classes
(b)   packages
(c)    variables
(d)   formulas
94)  There is a large community of LaTeX users who develop new LaTeX package or enhance existing ones to cater to their own needs and then share them with other over the…………..
(a)    Comparative TaX Archive Netwrok (CTAN)
(b)   Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)
(c)    Complete TeX Archive Network (CTAN)
(d)   Comprehensive Tex Archive Net (CTAN)
95)  LaTeX distributions themselves usually come with a large number of preinstalled.
(a)    classes
(b)   packages
(c)    variables
(d)   formulas
96)  to use one or more packages in our document, there is a need to declare them in the……… \usepackage {package-name}.
(a)    main content
(b)   file
(c)    preamble
(d)   comments
97)  If the user is not using options for any packages, multiple packages command, separated by…………
(a)    (:) colon
(b)   (,) comma
(c)    (;) semi colon
(d)   (^) caret
98)  ……..package contains the advanced math extensions for LaTeX originally developed for the American mathematical society.
(a)    geometry
(b)   amsmath
(c)    setspace
(d)   color
99)  …….. package adds support for colored text.
(a)    easylist
(b)   listing
(c)    setspace
(d)   color
100)       ……….. package adds support for multilevel text.
(a)    geometry
(b)   easylist
(c)    setspace
(d)   color
101)       ………package is used for page layout tasks
(a)   geometry
(b)   easylist
(c)    setspace
(d)   scolor
102)       …………package has special features for including programming code within the document.
(a)    geometry
(b)   listings
(c)    setspace
(d)   color
103)       ………..package helps in changing line spacing.
(a)    Geometry
(b)   Listings
(c)    Setspace
(d)   Easylist
104)       It is necessary to provide the title and the author if…………has to create an antomatic title.
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    latex
(d)   Ubnutu
105)       Providing data is……….. if is omitted then the date of compilation is used in the title.
(a)    by choice
(b)   optional
(c)    compulsory
(d)   important
106)       ………….piece of information can be supplied in the preamble or as the first thing in the document environment also.
(a)    \title
(b)   \author
(c)    \date
(d)   All of these
107)       The document environments for articles and slides will only have a title followed by the ……of the document.
(a)   Main content
(b)   Information
(c)    Preamble
(d)   Remarks
108)       A title is automatically generated by LaTeX when it see that …………… command.
(a)    \title
(b)   \maketitle
(c)    \marktitle
(d)   \spotitle
109)       The \title, author and \date commands must precede the……….command because their information is used in creating the title.
(a)    \title
(b)   \maketitle
(c)    \marktitle
(d)   \spotitle
110)       The document environment of a book is dividend into……… main parts.
(a)    One
(b)   Two
(c)    Three
(d)   Four
111)       The document environment of a book ……… main parts.
(a)    The front matter
(b)   The main matter
(c)    The back matter
(d)   All of these
112)       The main content of a book has a hierarchical structure, where a book is divided into……….
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
113)       The parts are divided into………
(a)   Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
114)       The chapters are divided into……….
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
115)       The sections are divided into……….
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
116)       The subsections are divided into……….
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
117)       The sub subsections are divided into……….
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
118)       The paragraphs are divided into…….
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
119)       Each of the above division (of the main content) ……… compulsory argument, the title; and one optional argument.
(a)    Accepts
(b)   Acknowledges
(c)    Receives
(d)   Agrees
120)       The title has to be displayed in the table of…………
(a)   List
(b)   Details
(c)    Contents
(d)   Elements
121)       The 7…….. next inside one another and have an integer level assigned to them, with part having a level of 1, chapter a level of 0, section a level of 1 and so on.
(a)    Lists
(b)   Details
(c)    Contents
(d)   Elements
122)       The parts, chapters, sections are………….. automaticall by latex.
(a)   Numbered
(b)   Listed
(c)    Displayed
(d)   Edited
123)       The ….can also move chapters, sections and subsections without having to bother about remembering.
(a)    Programmer
(b)   Author
(c)    Writer
(d)   Essayist
124)       The…………are numbered in Roman numerals (I,II,III, so on).
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
125)       The chapters, sections, subsections, etc. are …… Arabic numerals(1,2,3, and so on).
(a)   Numbered
(b)   Listed
(c)    Displayed
(d)   Edited
126)       All chapters after the special……. Command get uppercase numbering (a,b,c, and so on).
(a)    \parts
(b)   \list
(c)    \appendices
(d)   \appendix
127)       The…….. command is to be used only once.
(a)    \parts
(b)   \list
(c)    \appendices
(d)   \appendix
128)       The page in the ……….. are numbered using roman numerals.
(a)   Front matter
(b)   Back matter
(c)    Main matter
(d)   Whole matter
129)       The pages in the main matter and back matter are numbered in………..numerals with the  numbering restarting from 1.
(a)    Roman
(b)   Mathematical
(c)    Decimal
(d)   Arabic
130)       By default elements are assigned number up to level 2 that is up to…….
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Paragraphs
(c)    Parts
(d)   Sub subsections
131)       ……….and further divided are not assigned numbers.
(a)    Chapters
(b)   Paragraphs
(c)    Parts
(d)   Sub subsections
132)       In example, the command
“setcounter{secnumdepth{ {3}”
(a)    Ensures that elements up to depth 3 are assigned numbers.
(b)   Ensures that elements up to level 3 (subsubsection ) are assigned numbers.
(c)    Ensures that elements up to counter 3 (sub counter) are assigned numbers.
(d)   Ensures that elements up to secnumdepth 3 are assigned numbers.
133)       Elements are assigned a number formed by appending a period (.)
(a)   Period (.)
(b)   Colon (:)
(c)    Semi colon (;)
(d)   Hash (-)
134)       ……are an exception  as their assigned number does not have a part number and period in front of them.
(a)   Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
135)       ……..are assigned simple Arabic numeral numbers.
(a)   Chapters
(b)   Sections
(c)    Parts
(d)   Subsections
136)       A well-formatted table of contents (TOC) is generated automaticlally from the elements title by LaTexX when it encounters the command……
(a)    \TOC
(b)   \tableofcontents
(c)    \tableOC
(d)   \toContents
137)       By default a….. has entries up to level 2 (subsection )>
(a)   \TOC
(b)   \tableofcontents
(c)    \tableOC
(d)   \toContents
138)       TOC default entries can be changed by altering the value of another built-in counter……
(a)    todepth
(b)   tocdepth
(c)    counterdepth
(d)   setdepth
139)       LaTeX produces the output file…………
(a)    Randomly
(b)   In line
(c)    Sequentially
(d)   Cautiously
140)       LaTeX produces the output file………..
(a)    Randomly
(b)   In line
(c)    Sequentially
(d)   Cautiously
141)       In the first run LaTeX collects information about the document structure and stores it in…….files.
(a)    Extra
(b)   Complementary
(c)    Additional
(d)   Supplementary
142)       In the second run, LaTeX picks up the correct information from the supplementary files in the beginning to produce the correct………..
(a)   TOC
(b)   Tableofcontent
(c)    Table
(d)   Content
143)       Just like the ………latex can also maintain list of figures, list of tables, cross references, bibliography, and glossary or index automatically.
(a)   TOC
(b)   Tableofcontent
(c)    Table
(d)   Content
144)       In the sciTE editor, the file can be saved using ……… option.
(a)    File à Build
(b)   File à Save
(c)    File  à save as
(d)   File  à Edit
145)       In the SciTE editor, the file can be compiled using…….. menu option.
(a)   Tools àbuild
(b)   File à Save
(c)    File  à save as
(d)   File  à Edit
146)       In the SciTE editor, the shortcut key for compilation is…….
(a)    F8
(b)   F4
(c)    F7
(d)   F5
147)       In the SciTE editor, the last line “Exit code: 0” is  ………in color.
(a)    Yellow
(b)   Black
(c)    Red
(d)   Blue
148)       In the SciTE editor, the shortcut key for viewing in the default document viewer by selecting……….… option.
(a)    Tools àEdit
(b)   Tools àNew
(c)    Tools à Build
(d)   Tools à Go
149)       In the SciTE editor, the shortcut key for viewing in the default document is……..
(a)    F8
(b)   F4
(c)    F7
(d)   F5
150)       In LaTeX documents, a paragraph is typed in a continuous flow without pressing ..key.
(a)    Tab
(b)   Enter
(c)    Shift
(d)   Delete
151)       Latex usually avoids breaking a word in…. parts.
(a)    One
(b)   Two
(c)    Three
(d)   Four
152)       LaTeX has a hyphenation algorithm to decide the most appropriate way of breaking the  word with a……
(a)   Hyphen (-)
(b)   Tilde (
(c)    Underscore (_)
(d)   Colon (:)
153)       LaTeX uses the…….character to denote a non-breaking space.
(a)    Hyphen (-)
(b)   Tilde (
(c)    Underscore (_)
(d)   Colon (:)
154)       LaTeX divides font families into…….categories.
(a)    One
(b)   Two
(c)    Three
(d)   Four
155)       …………(also called serif) font have a tiny line or curve called serif at the end of the strokes (lines).
(a)   Roman
(b)   Monospace
(c)    Script
(d)   Sans serif
156)       ...........fonts do not  have serifs.
(a)    Roman
(b)   Monospace
(c)    Script
(d)   Sans serif
157)       …………….fonts use equal width for all characters.
(a)    Roman
(b)   Monospace
(c)    Script
(d)   Sans serif
158)       …..fonts are typically used for computer code listings.
(a)    Roman
(b)   Monospace
(c)    Script
(d)   Sans serif
159)       The default font is………..
(a)   Roman
(b)   Monospace
(c)    Script
(d)   Sans serif
160)       Roman font can be used for any text by employing the………. command.
(a)   \textrm{text}
(b)   \textf{text}
(c)    \texttt{text}
(d)   None of these
161)       Sans serif font can be used for any text by employing the…… command.
(a)    \textrm{text}
(b)   \textf{text}
(c)    \texttt{text}
(d)   None of these
162)       Monospace font can be used for any text by employing the……..command.
(a)    \textrm{text}
(b)   \textf{text}
(c)    \texttt{text}
(d)   None of these
163)       The font size can be changed using the command………
(a)    \tiny
(b)   \scriptsize
(c)    \footnotesize
(d)   All of these
164)       The  font size can  be changed  using the command………
(a)    \small
(b)   \normalsize
(c)    \large
(d)   All of these
165)       The font size can be changed using the command….....
(a)    \LARGE
(b)   \huge
(c)    \Huge
(d)   All of these
166)       The command ………can be used to add the bold effect to the text.
(a)   \textbf
(b)   \textit
(c)    \emph
(d)   All of these
167)       The command ……can be sued to add the  italic effect to the text.
(a)    \textbf
(b)   \textit
(c)    \emph
(d)   All of these
168)       The command ………. Can be used to add the emphasis effect to the  text.
(a)    \textbf
(b)   \textit
(c)    \emph
(d)   All of these
169)       ………..command provides small capital letters.
(a)    \textbf
(b)   \textit
(c)    \emph
(d)   All of these
170)       Superscripts can be created in text mode using the command …….. .
(a)   \textsuperscript
(b)   \textsubscript
(c)    \fixltx2e
(d)   None of these
171)       In LaTeX, the ……….package provides the singlespace, onehalfspace, doublespace and spacing {amount-of-spacing} environments for setting the line spacing.
(a)    \textsuperscript
(b)   \textsubscript
(c)    Fixltx2e
(d)   None of these
172)       Superscripts and subscripts can be created in the text using the package..
(a)    \textsuperscript
(b)   \textsubscript
(c)    Fixltx2e
(d)   None of these
173)       In latex, the …….package provides the singlespace, onehelfspace, doublespace and sapcing {amount-of-spacing } environments for setting the line spacing.
(a)    spaceset
(b)   setspace
(c)    spaceout
(d)   spaceline
174)       by default, body text alignment is fully…… LaTeX.
(a)   Justified
(b)   Left
(c)    Right
(d)   centered
175)       To achieve right alignment, one has to use the environment….
(a)   Flushleft
(b)   Flushright
(c)    Center
(d)   Justify
176)       To achieve right alignment, one has to use the environment …….. .
(a)    Flushleft
(b)   Flushright
(c)    Center
(d)   Justify
177)       To achieve center alignment, one has to use the environment………
(a)    flushleft
(b)   flushright
(c)    center
(d)   justify
178)       the firest line of a paragraph is………..except for the paragraphs immediately following a heading.
(a)    margined
(b)   indented
(c)    single spaced
(d)   tabbed
179)       the……. command is used immediately before a paragraph to explicitly make the first lien indented.
(a)    \tab
(b)   \para
(c)    \indent
(d)   \noindent
180)       The…….. command is used immediately before a paragraph to explicitly make the first lien unindented.
(a)    \tab
(b)   \para
(c)    \indent
(d)   \noindent
181)       The……. environment outputs everything inside it (including special characters, spaces, newlines and LaTeX commands) as it is without any processing.
(a)   verbatim
(b)   moreverb
(c)    listing
(d)   newline
182)       the…… package provides a listing environment with one mandatory argument line-number-of-first-line for program code listing with line numbers.
(a)    Verbatim
(b)   moreverb
(c)    listing
(d)   newline
183)       The paper size and margins can be passed as optional arguments with the…..command itself.
(a)    \moreverb
(b)   Verbatim
(c)    \usepackage
(d)   \usesize
184)       Page……… have been standardized internationally.
(a)   Sizes
(b)   Length
(c)    Width
(d)   Dimension
185)       The page……commonly used with regular printers are A4, letter and legal.
(a)   Sizes
(b)   Length
(c)    Width
(d)   Dimension
186)       The page size of ‘A4’ can be specified by………
(a)    Papera4
(b)   A4paper
(c)    Letterpaper
(d)   Legalpaper
187)       The pages of ‘letter’ can be specified by…….
(a)    Papera4
(b)   a4paper
(c)    letterlegal
(d)   legalpaper
188)       The page size of ‘legal  can be specified by………
(a)    Papera4
(b)   a4paper
(c)    letterlegal
(d)   legalpaper
189)       The default page orientation is the………
(a)    Landscape
(b)   Portrait
(c)    A4
(d)   Legal
190)       …………can be either one-sided or two –sided.
(a)    Letters
(b)   Files
(c)    Documents
(d)   Papers
191)       …….are by default one-sided while books are two-sided.
(a)   Articles
(b)   Files
(c)    Documents
(d)   Papers
192)       Ability of automatically laying out complex mathematical content is a major strength of …….. .
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
193)       The most common way of laying out mathematical content in LaTeX is using the package ………….created by the American mathmetical Society.
(a)    Amsmath
(b)   Amssymb
(c)    Amsfonts
(d)   All of these
194)       The…………. package defines several environments for  mathematical content.
(a)   Amsmath
(b)   Amssymb
(c)    Amsfonts
(d)   All of these
195)       There are……..ways of typesetting formulas and equations.
(a)    One
(b)   Two
(c)    Three
(d)   Four
196)       Formulas and equations can be printed as part of the running text (inline) or they can be printed independently on their own lines called display in………. parlance.
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
197)       Formulas and equations can be printed as part of the running text (inline) using the………..
(a)   Math
(b)   Displaymath
(c)    Equation
(d)   Mathformula
198)       Formulas and equations can be printed independently on their own lines called display using the …….. environment.
(a)    Math
(b)   Displaymath
(c)    Equation
(d)   Mathformula
199)       The ………environment is a display environment that automatically numbers equations.
(a)    Math
(b)   Displaymath
(c)    Equation
(d)   Mathformula
200)       A convenient way of embedding math environment in running text is to enclose the mathematical content between…………
(a)    #...#S
(b)   %...%
(c)    &…&
(d)   $...$
201)       In mathematical environments, each letter is treated as a mathematical……………
(a)    value
(b)   number
(c)    variable
(d)   equation
202)       LaTeX commands and the mathematical symbols are produced by them using the…………packages.
(a)    MAS
(b)   AMS
(c)    MATH
(d)   GREEK
203)       LATeX supports a large number of mathematical ………….. .
(a)   operators
(b)   formulas
(c)    signs
(d)   text
204)       The subscript operator in LaTeX is……. .
(a)   ­_(the underscore character)
(b)   ^ ( the caret character)
(c)    % (the percentage character)
(d)   (tilde character)
205)       The superscript operator in LaTeX is the………..
(a)   _(the underscore character)
(b)   ^ ( the caret character)
(c)    % (the percentage character)
(d)   (tilde character)
206)       The superscript operator …………… the text that follows it.
(a)   Raises
(b)   Lowers
(c)    Underlines
(d)   Strikes
207)       The subscript operator ……..lowers the text that follows it.
(a)    Raises
(b)   Lowers
(c)    Underlines
(d)   Strikes
208)       Absolute values can be denoted by enclosing the expression between two……… symbols.
(a)    $ (dollar)
(b)   |(vertical bar)
(c)    % (percentage)
(d)   “(quotes)
209)       Fractions are created using the command ……….. {numerator} {denominator).
(a)    Fraction
(b)   Fractions
(c)    Frcs
(d)   \frac
210)       Square root of a number X is denoted using the command…………{x}.
(a)    \square
(b)   Squareroot
(c)    \sqrt
(d)   Sqroot
211)       LaTeX provides a special ……..environment for typesetting equations.
(a)    math
(b)   displaymath
(c)    equation
(d)   mathformula
212)       …..are numbered automatically and center-aligned.
(a)    Values
(b)   Numbers
(c)    Variables
(d)   Equations
213)       Just as………… was extended to LaTex, LaTeX itself also can be extended.
(a)   TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
214)       Anyone can create additional packages to enhance the features provided in……to  add new features or to provide alternate implementations.
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
215)       Thousands of  LaTeX ………have been created by LaTeX users around the world to cater to different needs.
(a)   Packages
(b)   Softwares
(c)    Programs
(d)   Files
216)       Most of LaTeX packages are…….
(a)    Charged
(b)   Free
(c)    Shareware
(d)   Fined
217)       The latex package are hosted on the…….
(a)    Comparative Tax Archive network (CTAN)
(b)   Comprehensive tex archive network (CTAN)
(c)    Complete TeX archive network (CTAN)
(d)   Comprehensive TeX archive net (CTAN)
218)       CTAN website is at……….
219)       ….is quite popular among authors and publishers in mathematics, engineering computer science and other technical areas.
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
220)       LaTeX is ………… it is highly systematic and is developed in the academic spirit of knowledge sharing and collaboration.
(a)   open source
(b)   closed source
(c)    open foundation
(d)   none of these
221)       …….is also getting popular among academicians and scholars.
(a)    TeX
(b)   SciTE
(c)    LaTeX
(d)   Ubuntu
222)       LaTeX has …………. Facilities to automatically update numbering and references and to automatically create table of contents, indexes, and other such needs, taking a major burden off the mind of the author.
(a)    Integrated
(b)   Built-in
(c)    Many
(d)   Incorporated
225)       The output of \csc^2\theta -\cot^2\theta=1 is ….. .
(a)    Sin2+ cos2 = 1
(b)   Sec2+ tan2 = 1
(c)    Sec2+ cot2 = 1
(d)   None of these

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