Chapter No. 5 and 6 (XII - GSEB : COMPUTER STUDIES)

Chapter No. 5 :  Intro to M-Commerce
1)            Which of the following refers to buying and selling of goods or services through the use of internet enabled wireless devices?
(a) Internet                                (b) M-Commerce                 (c) M-Banking                          (d) None of these
2)            Which of the following stands for GPS?
(a) Global Portal System                                                             (b) Global Phone Setup       
(c) Google Positioning System                                                 (d) Global Positioning System
3)            Which of the following security aspect ensures that the information must not be accidentally or maliciously altered or tampered in transit?
(a) Confidentiality                  (b) Integrity                           (c) Non-repudiation              (d) Authorization
4)            Which of the following security aspect ensures that the sender of the message cannot deny that he/ she has sent the message?
(a) Confidentiality                  (b) Integrity                              (c) Non-repudiation          (d) Authorization
5)            Which of the following is an attack used to shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to its intended users?
(a) Denial of Service         (b) Malicious Code                 (c) Cyber vandalism              (d) Spoofing     
6)            Which of the following is pretending to be someone you are not, or representating a website as authentic when it is actually a fake?
(a) Denial of Service              (b) Malicious Code                 (c) Cyber vandalism              (d) Spoofing
7)            Which of the following is the transformation of normal text known as “plain text” into unreadable or secret text known as “cipher text” using encryption algorithm?
(a) Firewall                               (b) Cryptography                (c) Digital certificate             (d) None of these
8)            Which of the following starting address indicates that site is secured by SSL protocol?
(a) http://                                  (b) ssl://                                     (c) httpssl://                             (d) https://
9)            Which of the following security aspect refers to the secrecy of the information so that unauthorized user cannot read it?
(a) Confidentiality             (b) Integrity                              (c) Non-repudiation              (d) Authorization
10)            Which of the following is a specific logo, mark, word, symbol, design, phrase or image which is used by an individual or a company to distinguish a product or services from that of others in the market?
(a) Trademark                      (b) Copyright                            (c) Digital watermarking    (d) Stegnography
11)            Which of the following is the use of technologies which provide the location information for business purpose?
(a) E-commerce                     (b) M-Commerce                    (c) L-commerce                    (d) None of these
12)            Which of the following security aspect ensures that only authentic users are allowed to use the system?
(a) Confidentiality                  (b) Integrity                              (c) Non-repudiation              (d) Authorization
13)            Which of the following is a program that uses Internet to record information that passes through a computer or router in transit from sender to receiver?
(a) Sniffer                            (b) Denial of Service attack    (c) Cyber vandalism              (d) Spoofing
14)            Which of the following is known as electronic defacing of an existing website page?
(a) Denial of Service              (b) Malicious Code                 (c) Cyber vandalism          (d) Spoofing
15)            Which of the following is a computer program that detects, prevents and takes action to remove the malicious codes like viruses, worms and Trojan horses from the infected system?
(a) Antivirus software     (b) Digital certificate            (c) Firewall                               (d)Cryptography
16)            Which of the following is the transformation of encrypted text back into normal text?
(a) Decomposition                 (b) Decryption                      (c) Normalization                  (d) Archive
17)            Which of the following is a protocol used for securing web transactions on the Internet?
(a) TCP/ IP                                (b) SSL                                        (c) HTTP                                    (d) FTP
18)            Who developed SSL protocol?
(a) Netscape                           (b) Google                                  (c) Yahoo                                   (d) None of these
19)            Which of the following provides that author with a tool to protect his/ her original work from being used or taken by others without permission?
(a) Trademark                         (b) Copyright                         (c) Digital watermarking    (d) Stegnography
20)            Which of the following is the symbol for trademark?
(a) TM, MT and ©                   (b) TM, MS and ®                   (c) TM, SM and ®                 (d) TM, SM and (C)
21)            Which of the following is a digital code inserted into a digital image, audio or video file which can identify the file’s copyright information?
(a) Stegnography                    (b) Digital Watermark    (c) Digital Signature              (d) Spoofing
22)            Which of the following payment card has a microchip embedded in its surface?
(a) Smart Card                      (b) Debit Card                          (c) Credit Card                         (d) Charge Card
23)            What is the full form of PDA?
(a) Protected Document Application                                    (b) Personal Digital Assistant   
(c) Personal Document Assistant                                            (d) Protected Digital Assistant
24)            The service of saving the information stored on the merchant server for later use is termed as ………
(a) e-info                                    (b) e-cash                                   (c) e-wallet                              (d) e-text
25)            What is the full form of EFT?
(a) Electronic File Transfer                                                       (b) External Funds Trading               
(c) Electronic Funds Transfer                                            (d) None of these
26)            Which of the following is used for providing an server identity in electronic transactions?
(a) Email ID                              (b) Digital Certificate      (c) Both (a) & (b)                   (d) None of these
27)            Which of the following is the process of hiding information within other information?
(a) Digital Watermarking   (b) Stegnography                (c) Copyright                            (d) Trademark
28)            Who issues the credit card and guarantees the payment to the merchant?
(a) Merchant                             (b) Issuing Bank                  (c) Acquiring Bank                 (d) Reserve Bank
29)            What is the full form of NPCI?
(a) National Payments Company of India                           (b) National Payment Corporation of India
(c) National Protocols of Cards on Internet                       (d) New Protocol of Cards on Internet
30)            Which of the following is an Anti-virus software?
(a) Norton Antivirus             (b) Quick Heal                          (c) Kaspersky                           (d) All of these
31)            …………………… cards are the domestic alternative to the other payment cards.  By using these cards, all the transactions will be processed within India.
(a) Visa                                        (b) Mastercard                         (c) RuPay                                  (d) None of these
32)            A …………………… card is another form of payment mechanism wherein the customer can pay through the card to the vendor, but this card does not carry any spending limit.
(a) Charge                                (b) Credit                                    (c) Debit                                     (d) Smart
33)            Which of the following is/are the benefits of M-commerce?
(a) The ease of availability                                                         (b) Access through handheld devices           
(c) Virtually connects anytime, anywhere                         (d) All of these
34)            Which of the following is an example of Mobile Information Services?
(a) Purchasing of books through mobile phone               (b) Getting Traffic Information on phone
(c) Transferring funds through phone                                  (d) All of these
35)            Location based search service is known as ……………………
(a) M-commerce                    (b) E-commerce                     (c) L-commerce                    (d) All of these
36)            The term RuPay is coined from two terms …………………… and ……………………
(a) Rupee, Pay                          (b) Rupee, Payment           (c) Rupee, Payee                     (d) None of these
37)            Which of the following is/ are the limitations of M-commerce?
(a) Limited output size                                                                (b) User Interface is less convenient            
(c) Limited memory and storage capacity                         (d) All of these
38)            Which of the following is/are the application of the M-commerce?
(a) Mobile Marketing & Advertising                                       (b) Mobile Ticketing            
(c) Mobile Auctions                                                                       (d) All of these
39)            …………………… and …………………… are the world leaders in card payments and all payment transactions are processed through them.
(a) RuPay, Visa                        (b) RuPay, Mastercard         (c)Visa, Mastercard           (d) None of these
40)            A payment made through …………………… card transfer fund directly from the customer’s bank account to the merchant.
(a) Charge                                  (b) Credit                                    (c) Debit                                    (d) Smart
Chapter No. 6:  Object Oriented Concepts
41)            Java is a …………………………… programming language.
(a) Object – oriented        (b) Structural                           (c) Modular                               (d) Procedural
42)            Object – oriented programming uses …………………………… as its fundamental building block.
(a) Method                                 (b) Class                                      (c) Object                                  (d) Procedure
43)            A computer language is Object oriented if they support four specific object properties called …………
(a) Abstraction                                                                                (b) Encapsulation                  
(c) Polymorphism and inheritance                                        (d) All of these
44)            Some objects may be …………………………… that do not represent things which can be touched or seen.
(a) abstract                             (b) concrete                              (c) real                                         (d) solid
45)            In object oriented terminology; characteristics are known as properties or …………………………….
(a) features                                (b) attributes                        (c) values                                   (d) states
46)            The behavior of objects is also known as ……………………………
(a) method                              (b) technique                            (c) process                                 (d) procedure
47)            The …………………………… of the object can change due to its behaviour.
(a) state                                     (b) method                                (c) status                                    (d) class
48)            Object can be described in terms of :
(a) What it is called (identity)                                                  (b) What it is (its state)
(c) What it does( behavior)                                                       (d) All of these
49)            In Object oriented programming, attributes that describe the object are also referred to as ………………………… fields.
(a) information                       (b) method                                (c) data                                      (d) name
50)            ……………… is a visual modeling language defined and maintained by the object management group.
(a) ULM                                       (b) UML                                      (c) LUM                                       (d) MUL
51)            Full form of UML is ……………………………
(a) Unified Modeling Language                                         (b) United modeling language
(c) United model of language                                                    (d) None of these
52)            Full form of OMG is …………………………….
(a) Oriented management group                                             (b) Oriented managing group
(c) Object management group                                            (d) Object management grouping
53)            In UML notation, an attribute Is declared using the following syntax:
(a) [<visibility>]<attribute name> [:<attribute data type> [=<last value>]]
(b) [<visibility>]<attribute name> [:<attribute data type> [=<initial value>]]
(c) [<visibility>] [:<attribute data type> [=<initial value>]]
(d) <attribute name> [:<attribute data type> [=<last value>]]
54)            In an attribute declaration, the …………………………… brackets are optional.
(a) round                                    (b) chain                                     (c) angle                                      (d) square
55)            In an attribute declaration, the …………………………… can be private, protected, public or package.
(a) visibility                           (b) invisible                               (c) evident                                 (d) obvious
56)            Attribute generally refers to a ……………………………
(a) Variable                            (b) Property                             (c) Value                                     (d) Class
57)            ………………………… means ‘many forms’. There may be different forms of single method of operation.
(a) Polymorphism              (b) Abstraction                        (c) Messaging                           (d) Encapsulation
58)            In a program, two integers will be required as …………………… and returns maximum as Integer value.
(a) Parameters                     (b) Methods                              (c) Parts                                      (d) Variables
59)            Object- oriented programming also allows writing expression using …………………………… on objects.
(a) Methods                               (b) Operators                        (c) Variables                             (d) Parameters
60)            Polymorphism is achieved using …………………………… types of overloading.
(a) Two                                      (b) Three                                    (c) Four                                       (d) Five
61)            When objects of one class are composed of objects of other class, it is called………… or composition.
(a) aggregation                    (b) masterpiece                       (c) work                                     (d) messaging
62)            Basic aggregation is represented using an empty…………………………… symbol next to the whole class.
(a) square                                   (b) diamond                           (c) triangle                                 (d) circle
63)            …………………………… represents exclusive relationship between two classes.
(a) Composition                  (b) Aggregation                       (c) Inheritance                         (d) Abstraction
64)            …………………………… is generally referred to as ‘is-a-kind-of’ relationship between two classes.
(a) Composition                      (b) Aggregation                       (c) Inheritance                      (d) Abstraction
65)            In object-oriented terminology, …………………… class is called sub class or child class or derived class.
(a) latest                                     (b) new                                      (c) old                                          (d) super
66)            The existing class is called ………… class or parent class or base class.
(a) sub                                         (b) new                                       (c) super                                   (d) child
67)            In a class diagram, inheritance is represented using an arrow pointing to …………………………… class.
(a) sub                                         (b) new                                       (c) super                                   (d) child
68)            When a class is derived from two or more classes, it is known as multiple……………………………
(a) aggregation                        (b) composition                      (c) inheritance                      (d) generalization
69)            …………………………… represents non-exclusive relationship between two classes.
(a) Aggregation                    (b) Composition                      (c) Inheritance                         (d) Generalization
70)            An inheritance model refers to which of the following relationships?
(a) ‘has-a-relationship’                                                                 (b) ‘a-part-of’ relationship 
(c) ‘is-a-part-of’ relationship                                                     (d) ‘is-a’ relationship
71)            Which of the following is enabled by data abstraction ?
(a) Data protection                                                                        (b) Data hiding                        
(c) Hide implementation details                                      (d) Hide relationship details
72)            Which of the following model refers to an aggregation ?
(a) ‘a-part-of’ relationship                                                   (b) ‘is-like’ relationship
(c) ‘is-a’ relationship                                                                     (d) ‘has-a’ relationship
73)            …………………………… is used to distinguish objects from each other.
(a) Attributes                            (b) Behavior                             (c) State                                     (d) All of these
74)            …………………………… is provided while using encapsulation.
(a) Data protection                                                                   (b) Data hiding                        
(c) Data sharing                                                                               (d) Data and methods separation
75)            The data type for NAME variable should be ………. .
(a) string                                  (b) char                                       (c) data                                        (d) int
76)            The data type for BIRTHDATE variable should be ……………………………
(a) string                                     (b) char                                       (c) date                                      (d) int
77)            The data type for GENDER variable should be ……………………………
(a) string                                     (b) char                                      (c) double                                  (d) int
78)            The data type for NO_OF_STUDENTS variable should be
(a) string                                     (b) char                                       (c) double                                  (d) int
79)            The output of the function sqrt(25) is …………………………….
(a) 5                                             (b) 10                                           (c) 15                                           (d) 20
80)            The output of function printf (“Hello world”) will be ……………………………

(a) “Hello world”                    (b) Hello world                    (c) HELLO WORLD                (d) None of these

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