GSEB - XII Sample Practice Paper - 1 (Self Practice)

Multiple Choice Questions
                 1)            Which of the following attribute of the input element specifies the field that is to be created in the form?
a) Input                      b) Name                     c) Type                       d) Value
                 2)            Which of the following element allows multi-line text input?
a) Textarea                b) Select and Option                                     c) Input           d) Form
                 3)            Which of the following element is used to create a drop down list or menu in a form?
a) Input                      b) Select                     c) Textrarea               d) Form
                 4)            Which of the following is a free open source web development IDE?
a) HTML                     b) Scite                       c) Kompozer              d) Base
                 5)            Which of the following stands for “WYSIWYG”?
a) What You See Is When You Get              b) What You See Is What You Get
c) What Yu See Is When You Get                d) What You See Is What You Get
                 6)            Which button is used to select a single for option from a group of buttons?
a) Radio Button         b) Checkbox               c) Test Box                 d) Submit
                 7)            In Kompozer, which viewing modes provide editing facilities?
a) Normal                   b) Html Tags              c) Preview                  d) All of these
                 8)            Which of the following key is used to give some space to work on the form?
a) Tab                         b) Enter                      c) Down arrow          d) All of these
                 9)            Which of the following tag is used to insert JavaScript code into an HTML page?
a) <script> … <script>                                  b) <script> … <//script>
c) <script> … </script>                                d) </script> … </script>
            10)            Which of the following symbol signifies the start and end of a JavaScript block?
a) Semicolon              b) Curly bracket        c) Square bracket      d) Round bracket
            11)            Which of the following is a reusable block of code that performs a particular task?
a) Array                      b) Program                c) Code                       d) Function
            12)            Which of the following statement is used to return a value in a function?
a) Return                    b) Select                     c) Function                 d) Send
            13)            Which of the following is generated by the browser due to interaction between the user and the web page?
a) Function                b) Event                      c) Response               d) Value
            14)            Which of the following is not an event?
a) Abort                      b) Set                          c) Mouseover            d) Load
            15)            Which of the following is a container for storing data?
a) Variable                 b) Event                      c) Integer                   d) Event handler
            16)            Which of the following stands for BOM?
a) Browser Of Model                                    b) Browser Object Modelling 
c) Browser Object Model                             d) Browse Object Model
            17)            Which of the following stands for FTP?
a) File Truncate Protocol                             b) Fine Tune Protocol
c) File Transfer Process                               d) File Transfer Protocol
            18)            Which of the following is used to display an overview of the general content?
a) Site                                                             b) Product and services      
c) Organization                                              d) All of these
            19)            The website design should scale for which devices?
a) Computers             b) Tablets                   c) Smart phones        d) All of these
            20)            Which of the following option is used to insert picture in Table Tag?
a) Insert – Picture     b) Add – Picture        c) Insert – Image       d) Add – Image
            21)            Which of the following stands for ISP?
a) Internal Service Provider                        b) Internet Service Provided
c) Internal Server Provider                         d) Internet Service Provider
            22)            To publish a website means to transfer the web pages, images and style sheets related to the site, to a web server from which they may be accessed by the users. This process is called……..
a) Downloading         b) Uploading              c) Surfing                   d) Sharing
            23)            Which of the following protocol is used to transfer the web pages from our computer to the web host?
a) SMTP                      b) MIME                     c) FTP                         d) HTTP
            24)            Which of the following is used to create projects in Aptana studio?
a) PHP                        b) Rails                       c) Ruby                       d) All of these
            25)            Which of the following E-commerce business model refers to business and organizations that sell products or services to consumers over the internet using websites?
a) Business to Consumer (B2C)                  b) Consumer to Business (C2B)
c) Business to Business (B2B)                     d) Government to Business (G2B)
            26)            Which of the following E-commerce business model refers to activities between different business partners?
a) Government to Business (G2B)              b) Business to Business (B2B)
c) Consumer to Business (C2B)                  d) Business to Consumer (B2C)
            27)            Which of the following is a good example of C2C model?
a) Auction sites                                              b) Online purchasing           
c) E-newspaper                                             d) Information services
            28)            Which of the following E-commerce business model refers to E-commerce activities involving transactions between and among the consumers?
a) Government to Business (G2B)              b) Business to Business (B2B)
c) Consumer to Consumer (C2C)                d) Business to Consumer (B2C)
            29)            Which of the following E-commerce business model involves reverse auctions where the consumers determine the prices of the products or services?
a) Consumer to Business (C2B)                  b) Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
c) Business to Business (B2B)                     d) Government to Business (G2B)
            30)            Which of the following e-commerce business model is also a part of E-governance?
a) Business to Business (B2B)                    b) Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
c) Consumer to Business (C2B)                  d) Government to Citizen (G2C)
            31)            Which of the following E-commerce business model refers to online non-commercial communication between the Government agencies, organizations and departments with other Government agencies, organizations and departments?
a) Business to Business (B2B)                    b) Government to Government (G2G)
c) Consumer to Business (C2B)                  d) Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
            32)            Which of the following is popular websites for online auctions?
a)               b)           c)                d) All of these
            33)            Which of the following is an attack used to shutdown a machine or network, making in inaccessible to its intended users?
a) Malicious code      b) Spoofing                c) Denial-of-Service  d) Cyber vandalism
            34)            Which of the following is known as electronic defacing of an existing website page?
a) Cyber vandalism   b) Spoofing                c) Denial-of-Service  d) Malicious code
            35)            Which of the following is pretending to be someone you are not, or representing a website as authentic when it is actually a fake?
a) Cyber vandalism   b) Denial-of-Service  c) Malicious code      d) Spoofing
            36)            Which of the following is a computer program that detects, prevents and takes action to remove the malicious codes like viruses, worms and Trojan horses from the infected system?
a) Antivirus software                                    b) Firewall
c) Digital certificate                                       d) Cryptography
            37)            Which of the following is the transformation of normal text known as “plain text” into unreadable or secret text known as “cipher text” using encryption algorithm?
a) Firewall                                                      b) Antivirus software          
c) Encryption                                                 d) Digital certificate
            38)            Which of the following is the transformation of encrypted text back into normal text?
a) Firewall                  b) Decryption            c) Digital certificate   d) Virus
            39)            Which of the following is a protocol used for securing web transactions on the internet?
a) TCP/IP                   b) Bluetooth              c)  HTTP                     d) SSL
            40)            Who developed SSL protocol?
a) Google                    b) Yahoo                    c) Netscape                d) Firefox
            41)            With which of the following options polymorphism cannot be achieved?
a) Method overloading                                 b) Data hiding
c) Operator overloading                              d) All of these
            42)            An aggregation model refers to which of the following relationships?
a) ‘is-a’ relationship                                      b) ‘a-part-of’ relationship   
c) ‘is-like’ relationship                                  d) All of these
            43)            An inheritance model refers to which of the following relationship?
a) ‘is-a’ relationship                                      b) ‘a-part-of’ relationship
c) ‘has-a’ relationship                                   d) All of these
            44)            In class diagram, composition is represented using which of the following symbols?
a) Empty diamond symbol                           b) Empty triangle symbol
c) Filled diamond symbol                             d) All of these
            45)            In which year Object-oriented programming concepts started?
a) 1950                       b) 1960                      c) 1940                       d) 1970
            46)            Which of the following is core element for any computer program?
a) Data and operation                                  b) Data and operators
c) Data and Functions                                  d) Structure and operators
            47)            Which of following type of relationship is in Aggregation represents?
a) Exclusive                b) Non-excusive        c) Single                      d) None of above
            48)            Which will be the result of arithmetic expression -7%2?
a) -3                            b) 1                             c) -1                            d) -3.5
            49)            Which of the following is not allowed as first character in valid variable name?
a) Underscore(_)       b) Letter                     c) Digit                        d) Dollar($)
            50)            Which of the following is developed Java language?
a) Microsoft                                                   b) Sun Microsystems           
c) Wipro                                                         d) Sun Microtech
            51)            Which of the following method is used to linefeed after the end of the information that it displays?
a) system.out.print                                        b)     
c) system.out.println                                     d) system.out.newline
            52)            Which of the following is free-format language?
a) C                             b) Java                        c) HTML                     d) All of these
            53)            Which of the following is good programming style for declaring variables?
a) Declare only variable in a declaration statement.
b) Include a comment with each variable declaration to explain its purpose in the program.
c) Declare important variables at eh beginning of the function
d) All of the above
            54)            Which of the following bracket is used to declaring variables and its an optional item?
a) [ ]                            b) { }                           c) ( )                            d) < >
            55)            Which of the following statement is used to transfer the control outside switch or loop structure?
a) continue                 b) for                          c) break                      d) exit
            56)            Which of the following is accessible by instance methods?
a) Only instance variables                            b) Both instance variables and class variables
c) Only class variables                                  d) All of these
            57)            When methods in the super class and subclass have same name and signature, what are they called?
a) Overloaded method                                 b) Inherited methods
c) Overridden methods                                d) All of these
            58)            Which of the following is contains in a class?
a) Data                                                            b) Program code
c) Data and program code                           d) Property
            59)            Which of the following is an operator and associativity of this operator is from left to right?
a) Dot (.)                     b) Comma (,)              c) Semi-colon (;)        d) Colon (:)
            60)            Which of the following is variable defined inside methods or blocks?
a) Local variable       b) Instance variable  c) Class variable        d) Public variable
            61)            Which of the following is compiler returns, when an attempt to create an object using constructor without arguments?                   
a) Message                 b) Error                      c) Note                        d) One of these
            62)            Which of the following is highest level of protection can be achieved using protection level?
a) public                     b) global                     c) private                    d) local
            63)            Which of the following keyword is used to create a subclass in the class definition in java?
a) expand                   b) public                     c) private                    d) extends
            64)            Each variable of such basic data type can store only one value at a time. Such variables are called ………….
a) Array variable       b) Scalar variable      c) Vector variable     d) All of these
            65)            Which of the following is a variable representing a collection of homogeneous type of elements?
a) string                      b) array                      c) class                        d) constructor
            66)            How many ways we can create an array object?
a) One                         b) Two                        c) Three                     d) Four
            67)            How many bytes are used to store integer of int data type?
a) 1                             b) 4                             c) 8                              d) 16
            68)            Which of the following constructors that can be used to create a string object?
a) String()                                                      b) String(string literal)
c) String(char ary [])                                                                        d) All of these
            69)            What is the use of string class provides methods for class?
a) Extracting part of string                          b) Spitting into substrings
c) Replacing characters or substrings        d) All of these
            70)             Which of the following class encapsulate both date and time in Java?
a) Date                        b) Time                       c) Date and time        d) Calendar
            71)            Which of the following is an advantage of using a try… catch block?
a) Exceptional events are eliminated         
b) Exceptional events are reduced
c) Exceptional events are integrated with regular events
d) Exceptional events are isolated from regular events
            72)            Which of the following methods can throw an Exception?
a) Methods with throws cause                    b) Methods with a try block
c) Methods with a catch block                     d) Methods with finally block

            73)            Which of the following is least important to know if you want to be able to use a method to its full potential?
a) the method’s return type
b) the type of arguments the method requires
c) the number of statements within the method
d) the type of exceptions the method throws
            74)            How many types of errors can be broadly classified in Java?
a) 4                             b) 3                             c) 2                              d) 5
            75)            Which of the following field of computer science, indicates whether the command or a grogram executed successfully or not?
a) Exit code                b) Exit status              c) Error code             d) Both(A) and (B)
            76)            Which of the following block must immediately follow the try block?
a) Catch                      b) Finally                    c) Throw                    d) Error
            77)            Which of the following clause can be used in a method declaration or constructor declaration to inform that code within the constructor or method may throw and Exception?
a) Try                         b) Catch                      c) Finally                    d) Throws
            78)            Storage devices of a computer system can be broadly classified into how many categories?
a) Two                        b) Three                     c) Five                         d) More than one
            79)            Which of the following is an example of extensions of binary files?
a) .jpeg                        b) .mp3                       c) .class                       d) All of these
            80)            Which of the following package contains a collection of stream classes that support reading and writing in a file?
a) java.util                  b)                    c) java.inout               d) java.lang
            81)            Which of the following format is used to store a character?
a) ASCII                      b) Unicode                 c) Binary Code           d) Both (A) and (B)
            82)            Which of the following the class is the base class for reading a character stream?
a) Writer class           b) Reader class          c) Abstract class        d) All of the class
            83)            Which of the following class belongs to the java.util package, it provides various methods to read input from the keyboard or from the file?
a) Scatter class          b) Scan class              c) Scanner class         d) Abstract class
            84)            Which of the following options are used to create a scanner object?
a) A string                  b) InputStream          c) File object              d) All of these
            85)            Which of the following class provides a method for reading password?
a) Scanner                  b) Console                  c) Abstract                 d) Byte-stream
            86)            Which of the following commands generate the set union symbol?
a) \cup                       b) \cap                       c) \setunion               d) \union
            87)            Which of the following operator is used to denote a subscript or an index?
a) _(underscore)       b) – (minus)               c) ^ (caret)                 d)  (less than)
            88)            Which is the following refer to the very first line in the preamble?
a) \usepackage          b) \maketitle              c) \title                       d) \documentclass
            89)            Which of the following is full form of PDF?
a) Portable Document File                           b) Portable Digital Format
c) Portable Document Format                     d) Portable Digital File
            90)            Which of the following characters are reserved characters in LaTeX?
a) &                             b) ^                             c)                              d) All of these
            91)            Which of the following character is used as a comment in LaTeX ?
a) /*                            b) //                           c) %                            d) All of these
            92)            Which of the following are commonly used packages in LaTeX?
a) amsmath                b) easylist                   c) color                       d) All of these
            93)            Which of the following command is used to create a fractions?
a) \frca                       b) \frac                       c) \frcar                     d) \frac
            94)            Which command is used to quit from R?
a) quit()                      b) exit()                      c) q()                           d) lose()
            95)            Which functions is used to create bar graph in R?
a) bar()                       b) bargraph()            c) plot()                      d) barplot()
            96)            Which of the following are different variants of RationalPlan?
a) Single, Multi, Viewer                                 b) View, Preview
c) Singular, Multiple                                      d) Server, Client
            97)            What is the name of techniques for reducing the storage requirements of computer file and directory structures?
a) Archive                                                      b) Tap Archive
c) Data compression                                     d) Archive Manager
            98)            Which of the following file formats are most common compressed file formats?
a) gzip, zip                  b) jar, gzip                  c) tra.zg, Jar                d) zip, tar.gz
            99)            Which of the following major types of devices supports in VLC player?
a) Web cameras        b) Speakers                c) HD monitors          d) All of these
        100)            Which of the following is a free software environment for statistical computing?
a) Archive                  b) Skype                     c) ‘R’ software           d) RationalPlan

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